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Doctor appointment with my daughter had no good news. I have got to stop beating myself up over her condition. I was out of state, and needed where I was. I had no way of knowing that what I was being told was a series of lies and half truths. Not intentional perhaps, but certainly not the whole truth. Maybe I could have done something had I been here, and maybe not. Too late to reverse anything now, and maybe too late to stop the rapid progression.

I know a cigarette will not help, and wasting money on those nasty things will help even less. Even so the craving is bad and I now have a tummy ache from all the junk I have eaten, candy, cookies, ice cream, and the gallon or so of water I have sucked up.  I am headed to the pool to exercise, to relax, and maybe to meditate some. By then I ought to be able to sleep. At least I still have enough good sense to know that a smoke will only add to my problems. I have to stay healthy to take care of my babies, no matter how old they get.


Everything you've thought and everything you said is all the right way to be thinking and doing. You're right on all counts.  You don't need to beat yourself up about whatever your daughter's condition is, because you were needed elsewhere and considering the lack of perhaps truthful information given out.....

Candy, cookies, ice cream and a gallon of water.  Pick the water and ONE of the forementioned (and perhaps something a little less snackful of calories)  and you won't have such a tummy ache in the future.  Do cookies one night, candy another, ice cream another.  But all three at once... yeah - the result of overindulgence and lack of discipline always ends up to be either a physical bellyache or an emotional one. 

"At least I still have enough good sense to know that a smoke will only add to my problems."  True. 

"I have to stay healthy to take care of my babies,"  Might I suggest you need to stay healthy to take care of YOU. That YOU are as important as your "babies."   Not to imply  that if your children are your motivation to remain smoke-free that that's not a good and noble cause.  But when you acknowledge that YOU are worth living for too - just changes the stakes a bit and I hope adds more to them. 

I can't solve depression problems, neither other nor my own.  .  But I do know that staying true to your quit and aiming for the best in you is one way to alleviate them.  Because when you awaken tomorrow morning with another day smoke free - at least you've got THAT positive to cling to. And NOBODY can take it away from you.  That why I say Cling to your Quit!

What are you doing to care for yourself? Have you talked to a therapist? A medical Dr? Your minister? Your best friend? Have you re it 23rd to exercise? Deep tissue massage? Regrets and worries serve no purpose.I'm sorry for your daughter's condition and will pray for you and for your Family!

There are two things in your life that you can control right now - and they are not smoking and taking care of yourself.  Beating yourself up over what you could have done serves no purpose.  Getting some exercise was the absolute BEST  thing you could have done to feel better.  Life is always going to throw curves at's how you react that is the most important. 

You are reacting WELL!   Keep doing what you're doing.  I hope you got a good night of rest.



You are recognizing that smoking won't help and you are heading to the pool to workout and maybe meditate, I think you are on top of this.  No matter how old our "babies" get, we always worry and want to make things better.  

I hope you did sleep and that you keep going one day at a time and remember to take care of yourself.



May I suggest you stop using straws filled with koolaid .......Pure sugar ! With all the sugar you are eating it is no wonder you are feeling depressed !

Use plain old straws to chew and suck on and maybe some sugarless gum or candy .

Excercise ....walking really helps depression .

Hoping  things go better for you and your daughter .


I know about the Daughter storm I am going through one right now and she is a state away and I can't get to her. Smoking will not help your situation or mine! Take good care of yourself!

Don't Quit on your Quit!


Thank you, everyone. The doctor has given me a bit of help and now my sister is here. Best support I could possibly get for both my quit and my problems. I will be heading home with her for about 3 weeks and will miss you all but I will be back.