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Depressed today

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Today I woke up really depressed and down in the dumps. I was craving a cigarette pretty bad.  I am a single Mom with 3 young adult children. My daughter's car needs a new fuel pump that will cost $720.  My toilet keeps running. I tried to fix it but it didn't work. I woke up feeling overwhelmed. I thought about smoking but I know that I will still have these problems even if I smoke. Plus I will spend another $40 a week on cigarettes, making the money situation even tighter.  Usually I feel like a strong independent woman and I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life.  Today I just cried all the way to work. Still want to cry, but I can't at work. Could this depression be cigarette related? Even after 32 days?


You have just lost your best (wanna kill you )friend. That may be a part of your depression but remember the wanna kill you part of him, you don't need the crutch, cry when you must, it will pass.

I woke up sad today too for my own reasons and criedm yslef to sleep last night, so  I can relate, I will holdmy head up and get cleaned up and show u for today, time to make breakfast.

hang in in there Not one puff, I would rathdr breathe than smoke



Awwww......sounds like you're just experiencing "life".  It's ok and it's VERY common to still feel depressed.  Ok, all this stuff isn't worth smoking over!!!  Yes, it sucks.  But what will be next in your life?  Because there's more around the corner.  We just feel defenseless because we don't have an "escape" to run to with our cigarette any more.  You can do this!!!!  Don't let a fuel pump or a running toilet beat you!!!!  Keep looking around for that fuel pump.  $720 seems kinda high.  And the toilet, you just need a new flapper.  Home Depot, $5.  Tadah!!!!  🙂  Hit these challenges one at a time and continue to NOT SMOKE!!!!  🙂


I'm sorry you are sad today, but things will always get better.  Do you know someone that can fix the things that are not working?  If so..ask them. One thing at a time...and yes quitting smoking makes a person depressed. My mom quit after smoking for fourty five yrs. when I would try to quit I would ask her how she did it, her response was "I just cried a lot".  She had to quit per medical problems, which I think is harder to do than by choice.  Please...stay focused and remember the reasons you quit in the first place. Problems are always going to be there and you are right on saying smoking won't make the prob go away.  Try to have a GREAT DAY!!!


Hey Vicky! I know what its like when it rains it pours but your right a cigarette will not make your problems go away! Remember a day at a time I am depressed alot ! but I was that way when I smoked too! lol so hang in there girlfriend! I personally pray an awful lot!


I think it is LIFE.  There are good days and bad days.  If anything I would think that quitting smoking has only enhanced your coping skills.  Don't let that nicotine monsta get you!  You are strong and you will get through this!  Crying is very therapeutic!


I can soooo relate I am a single mom also my daughter has type 1 diabetes so no easy task there I have never gotten one cent from my ex, and my ABS unit is ready to go that  quates from 2,300 to 3,000 dollars yea I have that kind of money lying around so I have to learn how to drive without breaks   lol!!!   if I don't laugh I will keep crying It has to get better so please don't give up ok we can support each other in this crazy thing called our life  much love your way   ...


Hey Vicky, I'm late gettin here, but you know you have our support.  I cannot offer anything other than what's been said. I will only repeat that smoking will not make anything better..  Hope your day gets better   George


My quit is not in danger with this depressed feeling.  It's just that I am not usually so emotional.  I wondered if the excess emotion was due to lack of nicotine. As I analyze myself, I think it may be that my body is learning to deal with life problems without the crutch of a cigarette to lean on. Before, I would have lit a cigarette while I sat back and figured out how to handle a problem.  Now...I have to figure out how to handle a problem without a cigarette in my hand. Suggestions are welcome.

You guys are the greatest.  Just knowing that someone is listening and they care already has made me feel better.  This site is so therapeutic. Thank You again and again.


One day at a time Vicky, All great advice above and I can't add anything to it.  Just remember how well you handled the dog and payroll problem.  Hugs and kiss the nicotine goodbye forever.


The withdrawal period is different for every individual and mood dips can happen during this time.

Concerning the toilet...until you can get it fixed, you can always use the shutoff valve to save water.  A bit of hassle but it buys you sometime.


Dear Vicky, You and I sound like we are own the same emotional rollacoaster.  I am on my 28 day and I have wanted to cry all day long.  I got bills needs to be paid and you name it is on my brain.  Thank you for sharing.  Until I saw your post I felt alone. I know crying is not going to help but it is 100% better than smoking and that is what I am telling myself. 


onedayatatime is right. It is LIFE. We just aren't 100% used to dealing with harsh emotions head on. We've always had a little smokey crutch to lean on the entire time. So when bad times hit, they hit like a storm instead of just rain. I know if you can get through this tough period, you can prove to yourself that the REAL you can do anything. Big smoke free hugs and kisses!


Hi Vicky, I felt depressed around 4-6 weeks after quitting. Our brains are adjusting to the huge change!  I thought if it didn't improve after a few weeks, I would see my doctor. But it went away. I also researched it when it was happening and learned it was normal as our brains adjust to quitting.



Hi Vicki---I am late in responding and everyone kind of covered it BUT---just want to say--you will get to a day where you have a problem, you sit back, analyze it and solve it, and you never once think of a cigarette. I never thought I would get here but I did and you will also. You are learning to deal with life without a cigarette. Stay Strong.


Hi Vicki,  Your blog and all the comments really helped me today.  Hand in there.  Sometimes feeling blue, slows you down. Take care, M


Hi Vicki, is so good to let things out, and I see the responce u gotten from every one,now I really know we are not along in this journey.we have all of us but most of all you have our good thoughts coming your way and giving you strenght to continue. I am new here only 5 days but I can see I made the right choice, and I am in great company.

Cry your eyes out but do not take a puff take a cinammon stick and soak on it youl see how good it taste.

Bless you and get going  HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!



I just love to see this kind of support from everyone.... its all been said and I really appreciate reading the respoces. They help us all...


we'll all go throught the tough times and the good times too...


Check where the rubber stopper seals at where water leaves toilet tank. It may only be some mineral build up around the edges causing it not to seal.  You fuel pump may be located inside the tank. If they have to drain gas, then unstrap and remove tank, the labor is what will add up. $750.00 is total estimate and not for the fuel pump itself I would hope. It still sounds high even if its total price. I'm thinking about getting a punching bag for when things upset me.


Yeah getting upset still after 32 days without a cigarette can still be common. And sometimes it's just not about having something to fill the void. All you really need to do is to find a coping skill, something that substitutes your urge to smoke. It might be hard at first but these things come with practice. It's ok to feel upset sometimes. But try not to let it get to you all the time. All these things that are happening around you are triggers. Sometimes these triggers can cause stress. Try this, this is a relaxation technique I learned when I was having trouble with things in my life and it just may work:

No matter what happens take 15mins of your time by lying in a comfortable position, Make sure you are warm because when your lying still you might start to feel cold.

While you are lying in this position count down from a hundred, get your breathing going by inhaling and exhaling every-time you initiate the number. For example:

Inhale, Exhale - 100

Inhale Exhale - 99

Inhale Exhale - 98

... and so on 

While you are doing this, you are keeping your mind occupied with the numbers and learning how to relax at the same time and it works as much as trying to quit smoking. Remember to breathe slowly as it slows down you heart-rate because when we stress the opposite happens and it can cause health issues. This sort of relaxation technique is great to use for before you go to sleep at night, or if you are having an afternoon nap. 

As long as you can find ways to relax and I hope that this helps you with stress and your quit. Let me know how you go!

Stay strong! HUGS!