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December Tests

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The dreaded tests for December.  May they come to a rest now.  Biopsy on thyroid Dec 12th, have heard nothing.  Nice large  bruise though, sore too. 

Later I get to do a "Low dose" scan for right side of lung.  I just had 2 "high dose" x-rays for chest.  They said imagery was shadowed;  Does anyone else feel that doctors pad each others pockets with cash, via seeing doc after doc? Oh I miss the old days when one or two docs were more then plenty. I wont even mention the scopes for December, and Hubby's issues, you know, tilt table", hospital stays for his b-day, Afib, then no Afib, then vertigo, then more docs; Lord.

  Anyway I will probably Glow In The Dark When 2018 Comes To A Close.
Am I whining?   You betcha!

12DOF  Is tough business!

I do not feel blessed and smushy love" about way to much Doc and Insurance Politics.  

Happy Tuesday.   I think it's Tuesday?



Oh, do I agree  I believe a LOT of the tests are now being done to CYA (cover your @ss -in case you don't know that one).  Thank our "sue!" culture for that.  I always ask if it's absolutely necessary, and if it would be OK to wait a bit to see if whatever is going on clears up on its own.  I am not doing any preventive tests - I am old enough now to feel as though I am not going to do any of the horrid treatments they are going to recommend, anyway.

It's a personal decision - but I am comfortable with it.





Oh yes! I know exactly what you mean. Currently it's my wife who's in the doctors cross hairs. In fact, we have to drive to the hospital for a procedure today. Yup, when they're done over a months time she'll have had three scopes inside of her and this is after the CT scan of her abdomen and of course the up and coming one of her lungs because she still smokes. And all of this started out as a doctor visit for a back ache!

 We tend to avoid the initial visits to our PC as much as possible for this very reason. I guess they mean well?

 Anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on your continued success!! It mat not be fun right now but change never is till we get used to that change! Hang in there!




Chuck_Quit_2-20-2011  I am going to give some Doctors Kudos!

I see the anguish in their (Docs) eyes at times.   They don't always want to send us for more BS...  Nancy, is right they have to cover their butts .  Politics!  We have been with our PC for only about 2 yrs.  He tries very hard to keep a thick skin I feel.  My heart goes out to  him, for doing the best he can with Freakin" Politics" of the Medical Business!  He also mentioned people are coming into the profession at a much fewer" alarming rate!  Because of all the nonsense they endure as well."  (Med Politics) 

He said some days are nothing but endless signatures" and such.  He said once in awhile he gets to save someones life.  Pretty grim reality for Docs.  SMH.
  I don't know how I got stuck on politics of Medical BS?  I'm grumpy and broke, $$  and fed up with, 2018 today I guess.

Alas! Some blessings, for 2018! 
Happy to see this year go.  
Let New Beginnings, of a  New 2019  Year Begin ❤️


Sorry your going through all of this. Chin up. Your doing great with 12 days under your belt. Don't let the medical issues cause you to lose this beautiful quit you have going.12 Days of Freedom IS tuff business and YOU are rocking this quit! Rock on!!!


Thank you.  I  pray you are feeling a bit better.


Just remember the phrase that went around here in 2014 

"You can eat your doctor."

Of course, as it turned out, you couldn't eat your doctor or keep your plant. 


Glow in the dark on New Year's Eve.  What a way to put end to 2018.  You'll be your own light display.  I feel for you.  And I love the rose/woman.  Whine away.  Just keep your quit in the process.  


um er I dont get it?  I kinda thuck" at jokes my apologies.   My husband cracks up, over jokes which are most that go over my faux blond hairz.


Thank you Thank you


I'm bidding this year adieu with a certain digit.  I will let you guess which one!




Sorry - I meant digit as in"finger!"



I really thuck" at jokes Not kiddin! 

Duh me.


I call it "GETTING ON THE TRAIN"........DO NOT get on the train! The medical train that starts with you going to your PC.....maybe you get guilted into that "yearly" physical you haven't had in 5 years.......they do blood work.....your potassium is a little high.....they do more blood work......they "suggest" a test (you choose---ultra sound, CAT scan, scope...there's always something they can suggest). They give you a medicine to lower your potassium and say they will check it in a month. In a month you go back, more blood work. Your potassium is now too low........they tell you to drink citrus juices and will check in a month..........and....there you go. You are ON THE TRAIN!!!!!

Once on you never get off.................


YES !  Eggzactly Sootie !


Never thought of it that way.  Now I do.  Thanks.  Not sure I like the thought too much though.  LOL  I will also add, it depends on your doc and the kind of healer they are.


There are definitely pros and cons to the medical profession. I'm not ready to bash the entire medical profession.  I have several wonderful doctors right now.  They listen to what I have to say and take seriously my concerns and what I think should be done (meds, tests, etc.).   Of course no one is perfect.  I've had issues over the years too.    What I find to be most disconcerting is when you're hospitalized.   There is no coordination of care.   I've just gone through a number of medical tests and dental and upcoming dental procedures  recently.   As you age, these things do increase.  One of the tests eliminated any neurological or autoimmune diseases.  I'm was happy to lean  that.   If I hadn't had a preventive test done (LGCT), I probably wouldn't have quit smoking.  I recently had to change BP medicine.  After two weeks of self-readings, I suggested I discontinue two other medications.  My PCP agree with "my diagnosis".   

I have to agree, that in many cases they are doing the best they can.   My previous PCP, who I saw for many years and I just adored, retired early because she couldn't take the crap anymore.  Doctors are supposed to see patients in person, address online and video communications.    The health delivery organizations are competing with each other for business, making it hard for real doctors to do their job.  


They're making it unpleasant and almost impossible for doctors to do their job.  My GP has explained some of it to me.  He's not allowed to be a healer any more because of all the insurance regulations.  He may think a particular test is called for, but if the insurance co. or Medicare won't pay it, he can't submit the request if the person is unable to pay out of pocket.  It's outrageous.  It's important that we do as much as we can to be take charge of our medical necessities and as you said do "self-readings."


 I know what you mean. My wife and I recently got a new doctor. We set up an appointment with him just to meet him and let him know our medical needs. (Like keeping an active prescription going for Albuterol which I only use for rescue.) We talked for a while and then his nurse kept walking in, raising her fingers to let him know how many patients were now waiting. He simply brushed her off and to this day he still does!

 They really do put restrictions on them. He once ordered a CT scan of my lungs because it was recommended for fifteen years after cessation for a smoker. My insurance turned it down, so in that case he really was restricted. What I'm finding interesting is that rather than keeping up on the latest medical knowledge, he has to spend his time learning what he's allowed to do and in a lot of cases he's figuring out how to get around the corporate structure that he must work under. But this is taking time away from his passion which is helping his patients, and it obviously bothers him.

 Luckily for him and us, where we live is rural and as such they have a hard time recruiting doctors. This keeps him somewhat safe as he learns how to navigate the "system". I guess I just took the long way around to saying I agree with you. I'm kind of notorious for








I have a Primary care Doctor, a dietician, a diabetes doctor, a heart specialist, a podiatrist, a therapist, an optometrist, a retina-vitreous surgeon, a urologist, a dentist, a pulmonologist, bone dr. (knees) and a partridge in a pair tree.


hahahaha, I understand all to well.  pgroce