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Dear future me..........

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Dear Future Rob,

Its me; well you; well I guess us.  I am just the past version of you.  Anyways I wanted to write you today and tell you that in a few months, this shit that you are going through right now will be forgotten.  There is really no point in me writing it down because it will only cause you to remember it when you read over your blogs in a few months.  However, what you will remember is that you didn't smoke.  In fact when you look back on this day and time period in your life, while you will have forgotten the "shit" that made you write this blog in the first place, the only thing you will remember is that you did not smoke.  Yes it was tough.  Yes you were literally pulling your hair out at times, but you refused to give in, to give up.  Well, really I refused to give up on you.  Over 2000 years ago, He thought you were worth it and didn't give up on you.  Therefore I won't give up on you either.  Don't forget about Him in the future.  It is easy to forget about Him when the path is smooth.  However, during this rocky period in your life, He is reason you are still on this path.



PS  Sorry about the extra weight.  That is something you will have deal with.  Right now I am focused on staying quit and besides, the food hasn't tasted this good in years!!!  So can you really blame me?  Good luck, we got this.


the future as an ex smoker is yours.

'til you don't want it anymore


Sounds like you're doing a  good job of taking care of yourself! Good for you.

Love it!

GREAT idea to write this letter.....and you are right.  While your problems right now seem overwhelming, they are probably just blips over your lifetime!

I have read that you have to eat 200 fewer calories after you quit smoking.just to stay even ...the nicotine reactions in your body burned that many when you smoked.

Stay committed!



Great blog!!! love it!! Keep it going, I know its a tough road but DOABLE!! You are doing great.  Keep strong!! NOPE!! for me


Good for you, things will soon get better!

And as you are saying it, it will all be forgotten one day, and the only thing left will be an Ex-smoker dad, whose 2 little dolls will be so proud of!




Hi Rob I loved your blog great job and what a good idea !

I was just  looking back on some of my early blogs the other day . Time sure flies and before long you will be looking back and trying to remember just how hard the early days were . Time is a healer and I have to remind myself sometimes because it is soooooooo much easier now !

NEF because I do not want to ever return to smoking and another day 1 ! newbies keep it fresh for me !

Stay Strong and keep on truckin' along !


So love this!!  I think you are maintaining a fabulous quit!  Be gentle with yourself and be aware.  Yay, you!!!


Enjoyed EVERY word of this, Rob! Nice work!


Thanks Past Rob.  You were right.  I have no idea what made us so upset but I do remember you didn't smoke.  Still working on the weight.

Future/Current Rob

About the Author
I am on my one millionth attempt at quitting. I have smoked for well over 15 years. A few years ago I developed a few health problems that gave me some concern but not enough to quit. Finally, my wife gave me an ultimatum; her or the cigarettes. I finally got my head out of you know where on June 2, 2016 and have never looked back.