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Share your quitting journey

Days 5-7

7 12 192

Welp, my Quit officially turned 7 days old last night at 10:30. I'm very proud of that accomplishment and look forward to kicking week 2s rear end.

I wanted to talk about some physical things that I have noticed so far.

I feel like I am sleeping better and longer. I seem to wake up more rested and the deep breaths that I can now draw (they get better and deeper every day!) seem to make for a better morning. I'm sure some of this is psychological, but I'm also sure there is a physical component as well.

I also seem to have more energy later in the day. This may be due to me finding other activities to substitute for smoking. Housework in a more consistent fashion has become my go to instead of doing nothing and smoking. The mere fact of moving about the house could be a big reason of why I feel that I have more energy, but I wouldn't be surprised that not smoking contributes to that feeling as well. All in all, it feels good to have more energy, regardless of the specific reason. My master plan involves taking that feeling and running with it (both metaphorically and literally) but that will be a bit further down the road.

I may hit upon a few gross items in the following paragraphs...just a warning

I seem to have developed some coughing. I'm not particularly worried at this time, as I believe what I'm experiencing is pretty normal. I've noticed 2 types. First is in the shower. I've always been a fan of long, hot showers. I think they're wonderful, my dry skin would disagree, but I can only work on one problem at a time and I choose smoking right now. Anyway, as I'm enjoying my shower, I seem to be breaking up and expelling the lung butter that I've been collecting after years of smoking. These are deep, convulsing coughs that sometimes leave me a tiny bit lightheaded for just a moment. I see nothing alarming, or that I feel is out of the ordinary, being expelled from my body. I look at this as a good thing that will cease in time. The other type of cough that I am experiencing is more of a tickle type cough that I feel throughout the day. From what I've read, this is my cilia in my lungs slowly being freed and starting to become active again. I've heard that this could potentially go on for a few months. I'm fine with that. A small price to pay for a healthier rest of my life.

The most unexpected thing that I have encountered, and I still can't figure out if it is related to quitting smoking or not as the timing is awfully convenient, is happening on the toilet.  My trips to the bathroom have become more often and, how shall I say...more productive. I've felt this before when a few months ago I started eating oatmeal for breakfast every day. I became more regular almost immediately. By far the #1 best thing I've ever done for my digestive health. My diet hasn't changed in the past week but I seem to be ridding my body of waste more often that I did before I was smoke free. I'm not complaining at all, just curious.

The body is an amazing thing and even though I haven't respected it for a long time, it still seems willing to forgive me and heal. I look forward to all of the positive changes that will happen to me as smoking becomes a distant memory. I hope I have the strength to deal with the negative ones too...

Anyway, sorry for the grossness...I hope you can forgive me.


7.60 DOF

182.37 HOF 


this is what what a week of smoking looks a different form...


Random Thoughts

Money is nice to have.

Wintergreen is better than spearmint this week.

Don't buy the large bag of Mike and'll eat them all

One step at a time is what works best for me


Good for you.

all seems well.

I didn't cough but many do.

No one knows your body

better than you.

Many quitters are constipated and have gas as a result.

This can result in the rocky squats (for which I recommend a tablespoon of "teflon turd") so I'm glad you are not having that problem.


Wino-o-green lifesavers were my favorite

okay not wino



Way to go!!!


I am happy to see you are keeping your not smoking savings in a separate spot where you can watch them grow.  You might start to dream about the reward you can buy for yourself with your good-gotten gains!!!

Everybody's body reacts differently to quitting.  It also depends on how much and for how long you smoked as to the changes you will see.  Take each as it comes and rejoice in your body getting back to what is normal, unaltered for you.

Congrats on making it through H#ll Week!  Now on to Heck week and beyond!


(((Dave))) Congratulations on getting through Hell week...~ I don't care about gross as long as you are smoke free.  Also, it is so good to reinforce the positive's to quitting. are Choosing Life...~ Colleen 94 DOF 


Congratulations and what a great blog....didn't see it as gross, saw it as honest and informative.  I agree with JonesCarpeDiem‌ that most people complain of constipation after they quit smoking...sounds like you are cleaning house IN your house as well as your body, good for you.



Congrats on your quit! Love that jar! 


Congratulations! 1 week done is awesome!!!

Good for you on focusing on the positive -

- may be gross to you, but it seems like moving forward to me.

Keep us posted. You're doing great.


Checking In Ostrich.jpg

You doin' ok?  Hope so!


Lung butter...I laughed out loud the FIRST time I read that and I just did it again.  It is very descriptive.  Almost two weeks now...right?


Yes Indeed!  18 days and counting!





About the Author
Accountant for a community mental health organization Sports fan