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Day two...and I haven't killed anyone yet.

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Not a great day, but not too bad.  Had a scan  for my carotid arteries, no results for a few days but concerned about what I could hear.  Already have stents in both legs and also an aortic aneurysm that's also been stented.  You'd think I'd learn.  Maybe this time...


Hi, the first 3 days are the hardest, and the body, is rid of the need for nicoteen. The next  2 weeks are mental urges, and treat them the same, by distaction, because your re-learning life as a non-smoker. Right around the 3 week mark the emotional roller coast slowes down and you start to feel great. it is truly awesome. you can do this

Renee 3 weeks and 2 days


It can be done - hang in there focus on how GOOD  you feel without the cigarrette - 🙂  No matter what depend on this site for support 🙂 everyone is here for you 🙂


" Maybe this time..." what? Tell us what comes after the dots! Have you made a plan for what to do when you have a bad day? Establish lifelines! Make sure you know what to EXpect! There is a world of information and help here! Use it! And forget about "Maybe"! Say this time is different! Smoking is not an option no matter what!!     Tommy


Have you done any of the suggested readings to educate yourself on nicotine addiction? Like Tommy said, have you made a plan. Quitting is so much easier when you have "what to do instead of smoke" plans. What will you do when you get bored, lonely, stressed, or any of life's challenges. 

Drink plenty of fluids. Eat healthy. Get proper rest. All of these things keep help keep you balanced when going through rough times.

I'm glad you are here. Welcome to EX.


Congrats on our quit! If you haven't already done the reading - and even though you have already quit - reading about this addiction has helped so many of us! Check out the free course at and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -

Stick around - keep blogging! You can do this!