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Share your quitting journey

Day three... yeah I know... one and two went for a walk...

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So, this is my first post on I am SOOOOO glad I found this site. It combines the internet (something I LOVE) and quitting smoking (Something I need to LIVE) into one wonderful community of quitters... the good kind... the kind your Mom is proud of. 🙂 As said, today is going on day three. Lemmie tell you why I came to this place of non-smoking prettiness: About a month ago, I developed a very uncomfortable cough that settled tight in my chest. As a vocalist and a trumpet player, breathing is kind of important. (You would have thought I would have figured the smoking and BREATHING didn't mix well, but what can I say... I'm young and stupid.) This chest congestion lasted for about a week when finally I went to my doc and asked to be treated. I got an antibiotic to loosen the mucus and clear up my runny nose and sore throat, but about a week and a half ago... the damn cough came back... It finally hit me that after twelve years of smoking (I'm 24 as of writing this so, you do the math) I had finally developed a "smoker's cough." IT IS AWFUL! I literally cannot go five minutes without having to hack something out of my lungs... not to mention it doesn't really taste that great either. So, on Wednesday October 1st, as asked my mom to pick up some nicotine patches on her way home from work. That night, I smoked my last cigarette at 11:50PM and since then I have been smoke free with the assistance of the dermal patch. Now, I know most people set up dates, work on breaking their triggers, plan ahead and what-not... but for some reason, skipping all of that worked for me. I'm not downing ANYONE who went through all of the right steps to get where they are, but I guess I just needed to take the plunge and do it as opposed to working myself up to it. Most of my triggers were gone by the time I decided to quit anyways. I stopped drinking coffee (or any caffeine for that matter) about six months ago because the stimulant gave me anxiety and for those of you who have any type of anxiety issues, you know how much THAT sucks. Food wasn't an issue because I eat at such random times that by the time I got a chance to grab a smoke, it was well after eating, so I just stopped associating the cigarette with food. The hardest three triggers for me so far have been boredom, hunger and driving. When I hang out online at night, I tend to sit by my back door and smoke out of it. Since I quit, I've tried to remain in my room, but those urges still come and I just ride them out like a pro surfer. This site helps with that too. I get an urge while on my computer and I just log on to becomeanex and read and comment... helps a lot. Every time I get hungry, my instinct is to light up if it's outside a "normal eating hour," i.e. breakfast, lunch or dinner. I try not to snack too much because I used to be really heavy. So, just like the craving to smoke, I let the craving to eat pass as well. I know I'm not REALLY hungry. And if I can't curb the need for some munchies... it's all about the crackers and peanut-butter. Driving has to be the hardest. There is no food because if I keep snacks in my car I'll develop a munching habit and it's not like I can just get up and go running. I have to sit there... oh and traffic is just AWFUL! So, I bought this watermelon flavored gum (it's tastes so yummy) and I chew that to my hearts content. Granted, the one downside is that I drive a lot and my jaw had been really sore from excessive gum chewing. Oh well, I guess that's the price I pay for living a long and healthy life. ;o) With that novel written, I just want to thank those who have reached out to me. You guys have honestly welcomed me within moments of me getting an account and I thank you. Here is to a long and smoke-free life.... and I'll see you guys on day four... five... six... seven... and seven-thousand and seventy! ❤️ Kels
I agree with John, the cravings to diminish. You really won't believe the different in a few weeks. They don't necessarily disappear, but are not even similar to the initial cravings.
Congratulations!!! I am quit a little over a month now and the driving thing is still hard when I have to drive longer than usual! I have heard from others on this site that cinimon sticks work well too, though I haven't tried them myself yet.
Do what works for you! Fantastic. There are a lot of great ideas here. I have been doing Karaoke while driving lol - not really, just singing a lot to my iPod - I don't care what other drivers think, as long as it gets me thru the crave (and the craves have diminished since first quitting 22 days ago). Here's wishing you the best of a quit!