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Share your quitting journey

Day one

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After 36 years of being a heavy regular smoker, today is quit day one. I know, how cliche that it's on New Years! I didn't' plan it that way, I simply ran out of smokes on New Year's Eve and drove around in circles talking myself out of buying them.  My champion is my 11-year-old daughter in the backseat. I don't want to let her down. Or be going outside to smoke at the hospital like the last two times she had brain surgery (she has a brain tumor.) Or my 20-year-old daughter, who smoked and recently quit because she's having a baby. I told her if she quit, I would. That huge promise and a  Make A Wish trip to the Bahamas are why I'm here. I told them I would quit before we left, and we leave in 11 days. 

That, and I'm sick of being a stinky unhealthy smoker, chained to a habit that sucks away my money, my time, and my life.  I've been cutting down, and I hit a plateau and have been at 4 smokes a day since early October. The next step was DONE. I'm wearing a patch (it's expired, but I THINK it's working) and using NRT vaping, but very infrequently and I don't plan to trade one addiction for another. I'm just trying to get by, one day at a time. Today is day ONE. Wish me luck, Exer's. 

Thanks, and Happy New Year!



Welcome to the community you've made the best decision that you'll ever make in your lifetime and it's definetly the best gift that any of us will ever give ourselves which is the gift of LIFE,  you are going to take this Day ONE and turn it into DAY WON with many more to come stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we can you can do this quit believe it deep breaths and with commitment and perseverance you will make it through the roller coaster ups and downs and into that good place in your quit where you realize how much better life is without the crutch of cigarettes.....


Whooo-hooo!!  Another quitter   Welcome!  So happy you found us and so happy you quit!!  Of course you can, you know.  You have marvelous reasons to quit and great motivation!!  Remember, it's not a's a journey.  So don't fight yourself, just accept that this is the way it is.  You don't smoke anymore.  No more day 1's for you!!

You can do this!!



Welcome To EX and congratulations on making the decision to quit smoking. 

Quitting is easier when you are tired of being tired.  I know the feeling.  Congrats on becoming a future GrandMa. That is a good incentive along with wanting to save your life and those around you. Quitting smoking is doable if you make quitting smoking your number one priority and make up your mind that you can.  Relearning your thinking that you do not have to smoke or vape is a good beginning.  Make a commitment never ever take another puff.  NOPE.  Take smoking off the table as an option and do something different. 101 Things to Do Instead of Smoke SINAO smoking is not an option.  That is the NOPE concept, not one puff ever. 

 Education is the key to successfully quit. Read, Study, Blog and be willing to do the work.  With the help of the EX Community, you can have a forever quit.  Start by educating yourself about the addiction to nicotine. Know the LAW!  For suggestions on how to go about quitting Go to My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and review the videos and learn more about your triggers and how to prepare when the urges come.  Figure out how you are going to do it.  You are the one to decide.   I was advised to read Allen Carr's Easyway to Quit Smoking which can be found on pdf on the web.  Another good site to get more info that was very helpful to me is  There are several articles to read.  Nicotine 101 and FreedomFrom Nicotine My Journey Home.  To get help on navigating this site go to. Community Help‌This journey is one day at a time.  Never give up, never give in. Hang tough Stay Close.pastedImage_1.jpg



Hi and Welcome to Ex’s justrobin1111 

Welcome to Day 1...You can do this and you have some great incentives.  I do not recommend vaping, but that’s just me.  I would suggest you read at My EX Plan | BecomeAnEX and read blogs here to help you become more knowledgeable about quitting and addiction.  Also, keep busy, here is a list to get you started  /blogs/Maggie_quit_8-1-2010-blog/2012/03/19/100-things-to-do-instead-of-smoking?sr=search&searchId=e... Next, come here for help and to encourage others on this journey.  Drink lots of water and delay the urge...You can do this ... we are here for you...~ Colleen 394 DOF 


Welcome and congrats on your quit! You are doing this and you are in the right place! No luck needed - just determination - and the support here. So - stay close! Congrats again! (I volunteer with Make-A-Wish - I know you and your family will enjoy the trip! Prayers for your daughter....) 


Thank you so much. I've quit before but never been serious about it. I am now. 


Thank you, it was so lovely to come back here and find replies of support. I'm a little weepy and feel a bit sick but I'm not giving up. No more day ones. 


Thank you so much for your support. I'm feeling scared and kind of sick but still strong. I'm halfway through Allan Carr's book on my kindle, but since I already quit I think it has become a trigger! but I will finish it anyway. This is the most important thing I can do for myself and my family. I've had 7 brain surgeries in the past 4 years and I need to do this for me, to survive and live my healthiest and best life. I finally realized smoking Does NOT make me feel better. it's just a crutch to avoid life and stress. So many blessings, and gratitude for this group. 


Thank you so much for your support! I agree vaping seems like it's just delaying the inevitable so I'm trying to avoid it. I know its health hazards can be bad as well. staying busy hasn't been a problem, but a massive array of emotions was not expected!! thank you for your kind words and resources. 


Thank you so much for your support! I love the Make A Wish program, they have been so good to my daughter. This trip was the true catalyst for quitting. Thank you for being part of it! ❤️  


Thank you so much for your support. I've done surprisingly well, but I'm starting to hit emotions, frustrations, triggers and I feel....sick. I feel strange, off, and restless. I left the house and didn't smoke or buy cigarettes. Still winning! thanks for your support you all are amazing!!


Day 1, than Day 2, next is Day 3 and so on.

You can do this and Welcome To EX

Take it one day at a time and believe in yourself with positive affirmations


Welcome to the Ex!

Sincere congratulations on your choosing today to quit those nasty-nasties! I say this as a senior woman with a 60+year history of heavy smoking. I say this also as a recent "relapser" who's looking forward to another chance.

Relapsing sucks and I strongly urge you to stick with your resolve to become an ex-smoker.

You spoke of the emotional responses you're experiencing. I hope it will be helpful to know these feelings are only temporary. They are related to your brain chemicals getting back to normal. Nicotine messes up our brain chemicals big time. Your emotions will level off as your body adjusts to not having nicotine in your system. As uncomfortable as this is, it's actually a positive sign that your body has started to heal from the negative effects of nicotine. 

I wish you a peaceful night as you pass through this first day of your new life. ~ Suzy


Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first day smoke free.   Great that your committed to be smoke free for your trip to the Bahama's.  Stay close and reach out if you need assistance.



Congrats on your quit.  I am on day 2


Thank you so much, it's so helpful to know its all part of the process! 


Its been a rough day today, but I made it through so many stressful things, even shopping! 


Congratulations to you too, I just made it through day 2 as well! I feel stressed, but mostly good


I made it mostly through day 2, no smoking! This is the first time I've ever willingly gone without smoking unless I was pregnant or in the hospital. In 36 years! 2 days. I feel pretty good about it, but I'm definitely restless and having some mood swings. Shopping, coming home, there are so many triggers! 


Thanks been in bed for the most part went to Walmart and stuff but I feel like I need to isolate myself for a day.  But I no I have to face it tomorrow.  Good luck to you


I'm glad this was a help to you! Continue to post, let us know how you are doing, and lean on Ex members and the support team; we are here for you! 



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Confused by your post regarding Outlook for Android?? I have an android phone..what would be the benefit of getting Outlook??? Thanks from this tech-deficient gal 🙂