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Share your quitting journey

Day one or is it night one?

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Time to quit.  Well, past time to quit if I'm being honest.  I promised my grandaddy that this day would come.  Of course he was dying from emphysema, so that was the biggest factor in my decision. 

It's been over a year now since he has passed away.  I keep remembering that promise that I made and feel like I've failed him.  So tomorrow starts a brand new day.  Day one of my decision to quit smoking for real this time....


Stick with us! We will help you every step of the way! Its going to suck, but YOU CAN DO THIS!! Its Hard to finally decide to Quit smoking. That alone takes courage, im sure you know what youre up against..  You can control your addiction, it doesnt have to control you anymore!


what she said


what she said


i'm on day 9 now. i think the trick is taking it one craving at a time and drinking LOTS OF WATER. not sure tho, i'm only on day 9. lol


For me, its day 64. wow.. time flys when you are having fun lol. 

The cravings have decreased to about nothing now for me.  I still want the smell of a cig though.

You are never a failure, do not think like that.

I wish you the best of luck 🙂


You haven't failed your Grandad! If you really want to quit, that's a great start. Come to this site and read the posts and post your own.There's a lot of help here for the person who reaches out for it and is honest with people. Awesome folks here.
 You CAN do it.