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Day one, Geez Help me through this one.

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So today is my day one. I have just got out of bed, Me and my boyfriend have to go to the hospital, i have a call from my grandma, that my great grandmas bloodsugar spiked so bad that she fainted and she is in the hospital for a few days... this is the woman that rasied me. What a day for this to happen on. I'm am going to try my hardest to keep this my day one. please help!!


Sorry to hear about that Amber.  But know this, every day will present you with dramas and traumas.  When you make the commitment to quit smoking, there ARE no excuses to light one up.  None.  If you allow one, then you'll allow the next one and the next.   Ya know?  Check out Relapse Traps , the Stress Trap in particular.  It's long enough to get you through a couple of craves I would think!

Also, think of it this way - you're not allowed to smoke in a hospital - so it's a good place to hang out.  Hope your great grandma feels better real soon.


    I don't mean to sound insensitive, but one has nothing to do with the other. I am sorry you are having a tough time today, but life is going to test you. It is actually better for you this way, to get tested right away. Make it through the day, just one day, and you will pass the test and move on. You cannot go back to the smokes every time something stressful happens in your life. In fact, the truth is, smoking INCREASES your stress. So in point of fact you have all the more reason to stay quit. Don' t let your mind trick you. Your brain wants nicotine, that's it. But you know the smoking will not help the situation. Again, I am sorry if this seems insensitive, but it is the truth. I wish you and your great grandma all the best. Oh, and I doubt she would approve if you lost your quit because of her failing health. Think about it.


Use the maternal skills you were taught by your great-grandma to care for your baby and yourself. 


Quitting is an excellent decision amberlynn. Congratulations on taking the leap! As far as I'm concerned there is no regretting it.

Best wishes to your grandmother, that is some tough stess to deal with on your first day.

You can do this though. The urges will pass whether you smoke or not. So find distractions when they happen.

You can quit for one day. No doubt in my mind.






One Breath at a time.  No more.  Get through this day one moment, one second, one breath at a time.  Get some chewing gum, sunflower seeds, straws.. and drink LOTS of water.  Give yourself tools to combat the nicotine withdrawl.  We are here for you.


update, went to the hospital and i cheated =[ the good news is that i bummed a cigarette off my uncle, and about half way through it, i asked myself why the HELL am i doing this, and threw it down.. got out my gum and went back inside.


Thanks for all the encouragement guys.


Keep that up!  Keep saying no more.  You can do this, just say not today.  I am not going to smoke today.  One day at a time.


Great.  A step in the right direction!

Tell your uncle not to let you bum one in the future.  He's doing you no favors.  Tell him you're trying to be free of them and if he loves you,  to help you in this endeavor.  (My guess is he wants to be free of them too and doesn't know how.  Maybe you can teach HIM, when you've mastered it.)  When I quit I asked all my friends to not give me a cigarette no matter how I badgered them.  If they really were a true friend and  loved me,  they'd do as I asked.  No matter how I begged and screamed and cajoled.

Except for the  momentary cheating, the thought process was right on.  Why the hell ARE you doing this smoking thing to yourself. 

So only a half a one this day?  Not too bad.  Actually pretty darn good.  Question yourself as to what made you cheat.  What excuse did your mind make up to justify it?  Was it simply because you went outside the hospital with him and he lit up?  And it made you want one too?  And it was easy to bum one?  And you were so hungry for one?  So you let your resolve down?  When you really make the commitment to stop, you'll find there ARE no excuses, needs, cravings that will shake you. And THAT's how you become a non smoker.  Not one puff ever.  We all say it over and over again in our own wayson this site, but that's actually the truth of it.  To quit finally, once and for all, you have to not take another puff - begged, bummed, borrowed, stealed or bought.

Tomorrow is day 2.  But really day 1 as far as the nicotine in your system.  Because you sort of had a set back.  Part of  the quitting process is the first three days when you get the nicotine out of your body.  If you smoked even half a cigarette, the nictotine is still hanging around.  So today, Sunday, is day one all over again.  If you smoke - at all, you haven't quit.  Keep at it.  But kudos that you got as far as you did.


I would like to let you all know that i have not been on today because ive been keeping myself busy =]


oh AND...

Not had a single smoke today on my technical day one. =]


Good for you Amber. Way to keep your quit.

Stay strong, you can do this, I know you hear this all the time but it really doesget easier.

Take Care and have a great Evening.

Steve B


YESSSSSS!  Yipeeee!