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Day-by-Day (+96) - almost at 100! and .. Early looks: Antioxidant Supplements

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Just a few days away from reaching 100!!  It will be a Friday .. hmmm .. I don't usually drink.. but a shot of Tequilla with an Orange Juice chaser sounds approriate! <grin>


Interesting reading .. check out the side-bar articles as well.

Antioxidant Supplements Fuel Lung Cancer in Mice

Article date: January 31, 2014


By Stacy Simon

Swedish researchers have found that giving antioxidant supplements to mice with small lung tumors caused the tumors to grow more quickly, become more invasive, and kill the mice faster than tumors in mice not given the supplements. The researchers say the findings point to a need for more research to determine the value and safety of these supplements in people.

Antioxidants are made by plants and are found in fruits, vegetables, beans, and grains. Because eating a wide variety of plant-based foods has been shown to provide many health benefits including lowering cancer risk, some people speculate that taking antioxidant supplements can help prevent many health problems. However, scientific evidence has not been able to show that taking supplements is as good for long-term health as eating the foods they come from.

Some of the better-known antioxidants include beta carotene, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and vitamin E. Most studies involving antioxidants have disappointed researchers hoping to find a disease-fighting powerhouse. For example, studies have shown that taking large amounts of vitamin E not only does not prevent pro... Other studies found a link between beta carotene

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About the Author
Served 20 years in the US Army and retired in 1998. Worked in Network Security supporting the military under various contracts for the next 20 years. Have now been out of the Army longer than I originally served. 62 years old this coming Jan 2019 Trying to become an avid bicyclist.