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Share your quitting journey

Day Three and Dying To Smoke

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On day three of my quit and I'm dying. I am in the process of buying my first home and want to quit to save money...I know once I am making mortgage payments I won't be able to afford it so I'm trying to quit now so I'll be prepared. We were out of smokes so it was okay for days 1 & 2 but then my boyfriend broke down and bought a pack and now it seems like it is all I can think about! I've been fighting it by reading the other blogs and it is helping. I also looked at the Google images of smoker's lungs and wow...that was some incentive for sure. YUCK It's crazy though how you can look at something like that and still think "mine don't look that bad", or "that won't happen to me". It it the cold, hard truth that it will. I already cough up black stuff, so I know it's in there. Just saying stuff like that helps because then it is out in the open and I can't deny it any longer. I know I am going through the stages of grief and it seems like I keep bouncing between anger and depression. Ugh, will this ever end?

18 Comentarios

Yes it will get better, breath, drink lots of water and know that this is part of the healing process. If you don't smoke today you will have made a huge step forward. Remember smoking is the reason you feel the way you do now, the only cure is not smoking. And remember that you are not alone we are all in this together. I am also an October Quitter and October Quiters DO NOT OUR OUITS. Sometimes just putting how you feel down in writing and posting it can help. You can do this!!!!


opps: OCTOBER QUITERS DO NOT QUIT OUR QUITS ! Like it or not you are one of us now and you can do this, you are doing this right now.


I strongly recommend that if the cigs are in your environment that you get them out of there.  Having close physical access to the cigs is a REAL danger and can make you give up your quit.  Take it from someone who has been there.  Get the smokes out of there.  Just seeing a cig or smelling the smoke can trigger a major craving particularly at the start of quit.

To help easy your discomfort, try going out for a good long walk or some type of other exercise.  It will help to generate some feel good chemicals inside you and also reduce any stressful feelings. 

And remember, you can't smoke just one --- or you'll find yourself back at Day1.

This can be done. 


I totally agree with Bobby!  The only reason you feel this way now is because you smoked.  The only way to NOT feel this way is to NOT smoke.  

One thing that has helped me over the last few days when I get a craving is trying as hard as I can to remember WHY I started to quit in the first place... All those times I sat puffing away on a cigarette, wishing I had never started... or wishing I had quit years ago.  Well, guess what?  WE'RE DOING IT NOW!  

No more wishing... You're DOING!!  This is what doing feels like.  This is what healing feels like.  If you smoke, you'll regret it.  You'll never ever regret not smoking.

Also, the urge is temporary.  Allow yourself to do anything (as long as it doesn't harm you or anyone else) besides smoke... Stretch, drink water, take a walk, sing a song, brush your teeth, cry like a baby, take a nap, scream at the top of your lungs, bake a cake (I hear that one's been popular lately), make a list of reasons to quit... anything.  Whatever you do, just don't smoke!  

We're here to support you.  Stay close to these blogs.  Read, read, read!



Thank you so much for the positive feedback!!  You are right, I should get those nasty things out of here.  Just knowing they are here somewhere is really driving me crazy.  I don't want to go back to day 1, I really don't!!!!  OCTOBER QUITERS DO NOT QUIT OUR QUITS !  :O)  Thanks again, I will go for a walk now.  And drink some water....  You are angels.  N.O.P.E.!

Oct Quiters Don't Quit I'm baking a cake ! Hang in there !!!!!!!!

I love me some cake!


Cake, among other goodies is exactly why I have to go to the gym, right now! I do know that if I was smoking right now I wouldn't be able to go to the gym and do anything.


CAKE?  Someone say CAKE?


Is it chocolate cake????


I'm on day 3 myself and it's so hard but I find that breathing real deep every time I want a cigarette helps a lot.


Hi bad to you want to quit?  

You are on day 3....the nicotine is almost all out of your body.  Nicotine is what gives you the urge to it's a matter of re-learning your life without cigarettes.  Just because your boyfriend bought cigs doesn't mean you have to....this is YOUR quit and you have to worry and take care of yourself.  When your boyfriend wants to quit, then it will be HIS quit.  There is no reason that you can't ask him to keep his cigarettes in his pocket or jacket so you don't have to look at them.

If you REALLY want to quit, then you WILL do it because YOU are in control of your life and not a little cigarette....right???  You can do this...focus and keep your eye on the prize (a looooong life without cancer, copd, lung disease)!   We are here...



I  prefer pie. 🙂 

You can do this, I also am an October quitter. There are a hundred reasons to quit smoking, the money is great. But I didn't quit until I stopped dwellng on that, and focusing on how wonderful it is to quit. I opened my closets, and washed clothes that smell like a bar. I stil smell good, at the end of the day. I no longer feel guilty when my dog sneezes. I could go on, but focus on how great it's going to be now. 

And on day 3 I did as they are saying- I drank water, and cranberry juice, really tried to help along the quick exit of nicotine from my body. It really helped, I woke up on day 4 feeeling much better, and so will you. ((hugs)) 


Just keep remembering the reason you are quitting. It has helped me to write down my reasons on index cards. I have placed them everywhere I used to keep my smokes and all around my house and office.

I am on day 7. I made it the first week, there were several monents where I thought I was going to give in. I had thoughts like, "I'll have one." I came to my senses and realized, I won't have just one. I will have 1, that leads to 1 pack, to back to smoking. You have to remember the reasons you are quitting. My number 1 reason is my 4 year old son. I want to see him graduate, get married and become a grandmother.

I would also have a long talk with your boyfriend. Is he trying to quit to too? If not, he needs to be supportive and not smoke around you, and for sure keep the cigaretts out of reach from you. You need to surround yourself with people who are supporting your decision.

Water, like everyone is saying helps so much. Keep it up and be strong. Just being here on this site has helped me tons. DON'T GIVE UP!! You can do this, just like the rest of us.


You can do it I am just about to start my day three and I am doing just fine. Just keep telling yourself you can do it. I am a october quiter and I am not going to go back to smoking and neither will you. Keep your head held high and keep positive. 


Hang in there it will getter better and better with less and less tricky day and less and less cravings. Just keep the faith you can do this you are worth it.


I've quit many times and know what it's like to battle the nicotine monster... and what it's like to give into it.
It was recommended that I read

I'm about half way through reading it, and I'm amazed that I've already made such progress towards quitting!!!

Don't give up! If you fell... get up again!!!

Read the book! It'll help!

: )


I finished this book on Saturday afternoon and just quit smoking right after!  It's such an amazing book.  It really has helped me a lot to realize that I'm not giving up anything, I'm escaping!  I noticed you stated you were grieving.  Don't think of it that way.  Think of it as an amazing get away from a murderer!