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Day One Sucks

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Ok. I am only into this thing about 2 hours and i'm already paranoid about cravings that havent even happened yet. I have tried and failed miserably so many times I just really want this to work this time. There is nothing to loose by quitting only things to gain. Wish me luck!!!!!!!


If you just tell yourself that smoking isn't an option for any reason you will be o.k.  Drink plenty of water that will help. Think postive thoughts. Did you make a list PROS of quitting? Did you make a list PRO of smoking? Yep your right protect your quit and you have everything to gain.

Remember Not One Puff Ever. (N.O.P.E)

Hang in there.


Don't mean to sound harsh but luck isn't the factor, want to is.  Quitting is about choice, you choose to not smoke.  The physical cravings doesn't last long, it is the mental cravings that are so hard to get thru. That is why this site is so great, it is a place to come when the cravings are bad and reading and blogging helps. My wish for you is a choice of NOT ONE PUFF EVER, N.O.P.E. You are right there is everything to gain. Stay with us, we will hold your hand all the way.


Betty is right, luck has nothing to do with it. You make a choice and you stick to it, that's all. One of the elders on this site has said "quitting may be hard, but it is very simple."

Have you done your homework? You might want to visit It has a 10-chapter course that will really change the way you view smoking and nicotine and quitting. It helped me succeed after countless half-assed failed attempts.

Congrats on your decision, and welcome!  We're here for you!


Luck has nothing to do with it.

Keep busy and keep focused. Go out to The more you know, the better prepared you'll be to succeed.

Nicotine addiction needs to be respected, but not feared. You can do it if you really want to. We are proof. I have 670 smoke-free days and it started with day one. I applaud you for your excellent decision to quit!!!!

Forget your past attempts- they are in the past and you are going forward.

Best wishes to you - stay with us.   😃


WELCOME! Best Wishes! You CAN do this! Just stay in the present and remember that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real! Don't worry about tomorrow! Focus on just Today! 


No Fears

Forget The Past

Those failures

Kicked Your Ass

New Day

New Start

Time to learn

take to heart


Your life

Your health

without that

there is no wealth.


we're here

with you

to teach

what to do


Welcome!  You've been given some great advice by some awesome people already....they know of what they speak!  You even said it yourself....."I'm paranoid about cravings that haven't even happened yet".....loose the paranoia and replace it with determination, motivation and a promise to yourself that you will NOT smoke another cigarette - EVER!!!  Get mad at those cigarettes for having so much control over your life.  Now it's your turn to take back control of your life!  The hardest part will be re-learning your life without know, all those things you did each day that centered around your cigarettes???  Change up your day and do different things!!  

One of the Elders on this site said it best..."turn that wishbone into a backbone" and let's DO THIS!!!!!  Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing.  We are here for you....  Cindy


hi 270 and welcome, each craving you get through without smoking just makes you stronger for the next. It's all a learning experience. You are relearning life without smoking and just from my personal experience, Life Is So Much Better As A Non-Smoker!

Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! I agree with the folks above - no luck needed! Preparation and determination is what did it for me. (And I smoked for 40 years - so I needed to get past that fear and this sucks way of thinking!! To prepare I did a lot of reading - blogs here, the free course at mentioned above: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download -
Stick around - the support here is great - you cn do this!

Well today is day two for me.  I am actually feeling pretty darn good...not sure why but not griping either.  I thought about it when I got in the car today but had a mint.  I only had 1/2 cup of coffee today and that was 1/2 decaf.  I HAVE TO MAKE THIS WORK.  I am good at one day at a time...I quit drinking the same way.  If I am so fortunate to get into this for 1 year like drinking I will be soooo  proud of myself.!


I quit 3 months ago on chantix life is different it is really hard to change old habbits but I feel so much better and I look better too:) I will never smoke again


Congrats!  Day one can be intimidating, but it's also exciting.  You seem to have a good attitude by focusing on the gains.  That's what really has helped me so far.  But there's also so much to lose: the panic feeling when you run out of cigarettes, shortness of breath, smelly clothes and hair, feeling crappy about yourself when you smoke, disapproval from friends/family/doctors, feeling like you have no control over your actions, and on and on. 🙂  Things to gain: health, pride, confidence, freedom, energy, money, attractiveness.