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Share your quitting journey

Day Five and seriously losing it

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I don’t know if I truly anticipated just how intensely I would react to quitting. I tapered until I was at 3 cigs/day and then started my quit plan. Boy did I underestimate the emotional intensity that would hit almost immediately; despite using gum to stave off cravings! 

I feel like a toddler — having internal (and external) temper tantrums over the dumbest stuff. I honestly feel like I have significantly devolved and have zero filter and zero EQ.

Pretty much every single minute today I have struggled with the absolute imperative to walk out the door and buy a pack.  I feel very isolated and alone — no ex smokers in my life who can commiserate.

I keep telling myself if i can make it until Saturday I think I can make it completely — but there are 72 hours to get through until then….

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The bad news is you have to go through it to get over it. 

The good news is that freak out feeling that is making you behave badly and feel out of control is a product of the addicted monster in your brain who is pretty pissed right now that you've cut off the drug supply.  See phases below.  








Keep starving the monster and you shall slay it's power over you so that you can break free. They call the first week Hell Week for a reason. You are right on time. DON'T GIVE UP! YOU CAN DO THIS! 


Hopefully, you have distractions planned. Have a jolly rancher, take a brisk walk, clean something, scream into a pillow, watch a movie that makes you laugh or cry, or do something that gives you dopamine like jumping jacks! Continue to read blogs others have written, write your own story. Just keep at it. Every minute that you starve the monster it gets weaker. All of this gets easier. I promise. 





Also, I can't believe I forgot to say CONGRATS ON 5 DAYS!!  That is a big accomplishment and even though it's still a minute to minute, hour to hour process right now,  celebrate your success so far with a hot bath, or a cup of tea, or something that fits for you to care for yourself.  You're doing great even if you feel like crap. 



@jujube2024 Keep posting right now and reaching out.  We've all be there and know that you can do it too.  Keep moving.  Do some walking if you can and use those deep breathing exercises.   Your emotions are going to be all over the place right now,  It means your body is healing.  It's really tough, but so worth the effort for the positive outcome.


Stay busy and stay close.  Use us to help you stay on track.

Yea and hugs 



@jujube2024   Does it help to say, I know how you feel?  You have been given good advice and the preparation helps!  I got down to 3 cigs a day, myself, for about 5 days, I think.  I do think that helped, but as you can see, nicotine don't play.  You have no filter, cos you are not stuffing a cig in your mouth and smoking through every emotion.  You are having to deal with your emotions from now on. I wrote alot, I read and watched smoking videos about nicotine for hours, started drinking hot teas and juices and finding my way through life without self-harm.  Like said, get through hell week the best way you can.  Do anything but smoke, cos one puff will lead to another, for the addict.  Rant as much as you need to.


Good job getting through those first 5 days.  And great job in that you came here and posted.  Keep your commitment to being free and you will be.  This first phase of your quit is really hard, but you CAN get through it.  One thing I did was I posted almost every day about how I was doing.  Venting to others who knew how bad that addict brain can be helped me a lot.  Oh, how I remember the temper tantrums, which were pretty out of character for me. I had to walk away from a lot of conversations so I wouldn't start screaming at someone.   Just know, things will even out and you will get on a more even keel again in the not too distant days ahead.  Just don't smoke.  The nicotine is leaving your body and you are on the Road to Freedom.  Stay on that road, you will be so happy you did.  Post often and just know, many who have been where you are got through it and you CAN too.  We are here cheering you on.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on making it to day 5! It will get easier @jujube2024. You CAN make it to Saturday. Take it day by day, continue to reach out, so we can support you. You got this!

Quiana, EX Team


Youre doing great dont get discouraged. Its one foot in front of the other. Just dont smoke no matter what. Having five days is great youre through the toughest part. It will only get easier from here. 


Congratulations on your quit Patrick. I’m right where you are back then it is so much better a month out. Keep up the good work and keep in touch.