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Share your quitting journey


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Well, i just wrote on my message board, since I had no clue on how to start a blog or do pretty much anything on this site. 

I decided to just write where ever I could and that eventually, I would figure it out. And just as I was about to log off, I landed on Write a Blog Post.

Day Five, I worked all day and so it wasnt too difficult but at one point in the afternoon I had a craving that had me considering bumming a cigarette from someone, but..... I DIDN'T! I didnt want to disappoint myself and then feel horrible about myself and experience the sense of failure and have to start all over again. 

But what am I saying, everyone here, has been there and has had these feelings, I am just having them now. 

But today, was another successful day, and yes the evening is not over yet, and who knows what it will bring; One thing is certain though, it will be a smoke free evening. 

Day Five logging off