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Share your quitting journey

Day 9 –not so fine

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The good news is that I did not smoke.  The bad news is I feel like having a cigarette.  I have been waiting out the cravings, but the desire or the habit I should say is still there.  I t goes away rather quickly, but I am finding it difficult to break the routine of something in my hand and mouth.  I know all the tips and tricks like the gum, healthy snacks and such, but it is not quite like having that thing in your hand.  I am feeling sluggish, easily distracted and difficulty focusing.

I feel like I can still do this though.  I am confident that a new me is emerging and that I will conquer this addiction.


What you're feeling is completely normal. I wish I had some magic words that would make you feel better, but this is what it's about -- the process you have to go through. The ONLY way out is to keep moving forward!  

So you're a little spacey right now, so what. It will pass. Just remind yourself -- you may feel like you want a cigarette, but you don't want all the others that would come with it, right? So shoo the thought away, just like you'd shoo away a random thought about wanting a candy bar. Don't fight yourself, let the thoughts flow in and out. 

You CAN do this, you're RIGHT to be confident. We're here for you! 


Congratulations on your quit.  It sounds like you are romancing the cigarette. What has smoking ever done for you besides take your health and money? It does not make you feel better that is the addiction inside you tell you more lies to get you to fed it. Distract yourself by doing some deep breathing, long arm streches, stick your head in the freezer for 10 seconds, bite into a whole lemon, yes peel and all, it will kick the craves out of your head. Have you read Allen Carr's book The Easy Way?  If not please do so, it is avaiable on line for free.  Go to and read about your addiction the more you know the easier the quit.


For hand to mouth I use toothpicks. Just an idea, you might try. I like the cinnamon ones but they are hard to find


cut a plastic straw in thirds


No matter what tricks you use, smoking is not an option.  Don't even engage in the debates of "I want one... You can't have one..."  No one can win those forever.  The moment the thought comes, kick it out and distract. No more romancing the smoke! Cigarettes cripple and kill. That's all they do. And remember, like Sarah said, do you want all the cigs that come with the one? Don't let the addictive thoughts/feelings trick you.

You are doing so great!!!  You're right, you CAN do it... You ARE doing it!  You seem to be doing what you need to to keep those things away from your face. Keep up the good work!!!


PS<  Your body is healing from all the poisons, rest as often as you can!! Feeling "muddled" and "our of sorts" is normal, and won't last. Pamper yourself a bit, when you can.


Congrats on day9!!! You are making it through the most difficult time! I liked chewing on a straws, toothpicks and cinnamon sticks. I make tight fists and then stretch open my hands over & over while breathing deeply...I love the idea that these hands no longer bring death to me so I infuse them with LIFE! xo


Keep reading about addiction and pound glasses of ice water. Pee constantly and drink more.


Hey Sarah thanks for the words of encouragement. i like to read posts about people who are successful and I'm not giving up.


froguelafy, I am in the process of reading that book. I have limited time with work and other commitments and of course my biggest commitment right now just to quit smoking. I am trying all the tips and tricks and they seem to be working so thank you very much for that.


mike Thanks for the tip on the toothpicks. I'm a little funky about my teeth so I don't like to stick stuff in my teeth but the cinnamon sounds okay.


dale what's up with the straw thing?


Jordan you're right I cannot engage in the thought  of even having one puff  ever. And I know NOPE not one puff ever. Thanks for reminding me of that.


joni thx........water is the perfect thing though have always drank a lot but even more now.


joy your incite on hands is empowering thanks!

danno trust me I