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Day 70: Have a Drink

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I invented a new drink. I call it a Feather Pillow which consist of Anis and Half and Half which, after two, is quite tasty.  After three you forget that it taste like bad toothpaste and just drink them because, well, what goes better with Anis liquor and coffee creamer than YOU. And then toddle off the sleepy-town, stepping on Chester's tale enroute. 

I know: you're wondering why Anis, that lovely licorice-flavored liquor that sits in the back of most folks liquor cabinets? (That would be the stash they never admit to -- but I digress.)  Well, it also works as a terrific flavor food additive. Especially if you're making Bunyols de Vent (a.k.a, Catalina doughnuts,) which look like this:

bunyols de vent.jpg 

Anyways, after my Friday working for my quasi-governmental food-related job, I deserved a drink and scrounged around and decided to combine two things. (Cooks are all about creating things from raw materials. Live with it.) And did and then named it.  

The good news is,  I did  not smoke. I did not smoke because I could not be bothered between cordial glasses to get on the bike and risk falling eight feet past my front door in a drunken stupor in the pursuit of cigarettes. Really? Do I look stupid? 

Again, I did not smoke. Yes,I thought about it.  But you know what? What would be the point of screwing up what I got? Really?  Not only woud it have required an amount of hand-eye coordination  I did not possess, it would have exacted a mental and physical price on Saturday morning I prefer to forego. I can deal with a mild hangover. A mild hangover plus lungs that feel like fifty pound flour sacks, no thanks. 

Funny how our priorities change.

Anywho, for those who warned me against tampering with liquor whilst a newbie non smoker, I have flouted your advise and lived to tell the tale.

This is not that unusual: I have flouted many medical norms: I have never broken a bone; I have never experienced any long-term illnesses. I am, by my definition, a medical freak in that the number of medical visits to a doctor I have made in my lifetime can be counted on one and a half hands.

Blame it on the bike. I do.;)

Peace and gratitude,



We tell people to be careful with alcohol because there is a tipping point. 

Problem is, they don't understand it until they've passed it and lost their quit.

Keep telling us how smart you are.


Be careful, Alex.   I think most alcohol related slips occur when we are in groups and bum a cigarette from someone for "just one puff", famous last words.  Your new drink, the "Feather Pillow" sounds interesting...not quite appealing, but interesting.

I am off to work...may or may not be back tonight or tomorrow.  

Have a wonderful weekend.  

Congratulations on 70 days of freedom!



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I was about 90something days into my quit before I had a glass of wine, Easter Sunday to be EXact.  Quite frankly it was something that I did not have to have.  In fact, I did not drink all of it.  However, the next day I had urges stronger than normal as if I had drunk a lot.  As far as the licorice, I used the root as a tea to help curb the urges and calm my cough.  You just may have concocted something that you MAY be able to drink.  A word to the wise is sufficient.  What you do one day may not work the next day.  Be mindful of your drinking.  Congrats on 70 days of freedom.  Do not lose it. 


Alex is right, Linda.  We don't control what is sent to you.  I'm alerting Mark‌ as maybe he can help you.  Or JonesCarpeDiem‌?


Alex, you're a riot!  Glad you lived to tell the tale.  Watch your back.  If you still want one, you're still vulnerable.


Congrats on 70 days, and good for you for for considering yourself so special; we are all special as individuals; however what unites us here is our common experiences, one of them being losing our quits in a drinking environment.  I very rarely drink, but while having passed the 6 months of smobriety, I attended a pretty special event.  A New Year's Eve party organized by one of our compatriots for just us, Romanians.  Now, Romanians like to drink, and smoke, even when in USA.  And I thought myself, as sure on my quit as you are today, (and haven't learned yet that there is no such think as  just one)  "just one, and I am done". You might already know.  I learned it the hard way.  It took 15 more years to gather the courage to quit again, this time for good.

Just saying.

Daniela1126 DOF


Thanks for share and proving ALEX lives his OWN new non smoker life style and so do WE it is ALL about what works for some may or may NOT work for others- this is a RECOVERING site from NICOTINE and NOT a RECOVERY site from alcohol and it is truly about EACH person's personal CHOICES - amen and amen -   You go Alex it is - YOUR LIFE - YOUR CHOICE -  and CONGRATS STAYING NICOTINE FREE- You do NOT want that nasty COUGH back- right Alex - N.O.P.E- not one puff ever has worked for you- so drink alcohol -  it is YOUR FREE WILL CHOICE to prove YOU ALEX will drink alcohol to show. - YOURSELF -  it is YOUR CHOICES and YOUR consequences - YOU Alex are an ADULT and - WAY TO GO- do it YOUR WAY - yes It's YOUR NEW non smoker life style and to live it as YOU CHOOSE-- this is America and free to CHOOSE what you WANT so  yahooooooo- you DID it and another NICOTINE FREE DAY too - GOOD JOB LIVING FREE AND NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF EVER - yahooooooo -  gentle hug.

About the Author
"Non-traditional" History senior, University of Houston. Will be graduating Spring, 2022. Retired. My academic work has been published. I have an eight-year-old Orange Tabby named Chester who's a big love bug, but very people-shy. I am extremely blessed in that, after 50 years of smoking, I have manageable health issues. I am extremely grateful for this site.