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Share your quitting journey

Day 7 and sharing the Real Reason for quitting

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 I am just at the beginning of my 7th day of my quit.

A couple days ago,  I kinda got irritated with some of the blogs that were all warm and fuzzy, and positive.  It made me mad that I wasn't feeling that way, and well, I was thinking I must even be failing to do the quit the right way!!  Since I am just 7 days in, I don't know what else to expect that is going to jump out at me.  But it WAS rough,  it IS rough.  The first day was okay because it was an adventure and heck, anyone can do anything for one day!  but the next 3 days I gritted my teeth, I was grumpy, I thought of 100 ways I could smoke AND quit at the same time.  I don't know that I did any of the distractions, I was too miserable to do them!  I did drink lots of water though, because my mouth had to do something.  

Why didn't I give in and smoke?  well, for me it was my need to feel good about me for this victory, to know that I could set myself a goal and reach it.  Sort of like a combo marathon and triathalon.  Why didn't I give up and have that cig I craved?  Because I don't want to be a big ole fat loser.  I'm just saying my story.  I need this win.  I know that as I continue forward as an EX, my self esteem will grow.  

We all have similar reasons for the quit.  For me, all those play a part, but my ultimate reason is my emotional reason.  Well, a series of reasons:  I want to feel like I am in control of one aspect of my life.  I want to feel good about myself.  I want something that I am proud of.  And so far I am feeling pretty darn proud of myself!!  

TODAY:  just 7 days in and as I walked in the door to work, I realized that I had not thought about having a cigarette during the whole 20 minute drive in!  I hadn't even had to fight the crave!  That was a special gift for today!

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I think it is just fantastic that you had that realization of not thinking aobut smoking while driving.  What excellent progress.  i remember quitting on my quit, in my head so many times in the beginning. I kept reminding myself that the only way to get rid of cravings was to not feed thos cravings by smoking.  

congratulations on 7 days.   


Congratulations on your 7 days of freedom. I am on my third day. Man, it is getting harder now that the nicotine is at an all time low in my body. Your blog gives me inspiration for the near future. Keep breathing the fresh air, I am walking on this wonderful healthly path with you.



Keep growing it!


Harrumph. Getting all warm and fuzzy and sharring a positive moment about the first seven days of qutting! 🙂 

Now, I'm gonna get mad that I didn't have warm and fuzzy moments during my first week! )


Just kidding. Sounds like you are doing fine.


The reality, Terri, is that the first week really sucks - and if never having to go through that again keeps you otivated then never ever forget just how rough thiese last 7 days were! 

And BE PROUD! You did an EXtremely hard thing here! 

We haven't forgotten (at least, I haven't!) Spolier alert -  The second week sucks too but not as  bad and I know you can do that because  just look how far you've come! WOW!

Keep stacking those days and it will get easier! When???? When you're ready to commmit 100% body and mind that Smoking is not an option for any reason, under any circumstance NO MATTER WHAT! Once you fully believe that, the addiction will cave in on itself! Then it's real easy because 

Nothing and Nobody can make me smoke ever, ever again! And I sure as heck won't do it!


Hey Terry if you read my blogs in the past few days they are anything but warm and fuzzy ! I know what you mean I am happy that I have quit but I am not a "happy quitter " You are doing great congrats on your 7 days that is just fantastic ! keep it going !


Congrats on getting through hell week on to heck week i use to get pissed at Allen Carr easy way to quit cause it was not easy but was worth it and does eventually get very easy but it's a journey hang in there