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Share your quitting journey

Day 7 Starting way too early...

0 7 135

Good morning!

I used the patch for the first 4 days (Step 2 2-days; Step 3 2-days). That worked pretty well, didn't have cravings while I got used to not going out for a smoke. Still find it difficult to sleep though, any suggestions? Just got some hot chocolate, hoping that helps.

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If the hot chocolate is an indicator that you use a lot of caffiene, you might want to cut back for a while.  Not using nicotine (or not using as much) can intensify the effects of coffee, tea and  colas, and chocolate.  If you can, try herbal teas or decaf coffee, especially in the afternoons and evenings.  A good relaxing herbal tea is Celestial Seasoning's Sleepytime tea.  A warm bath or shower before bedtime works for some people.  And try not to get caught up in TV or the computer right before you go to bed -- let yourself wind down.  Take a look at for more ideas.  The insomnia will pass eventually.


hot cocoa actually interfers with my sleep.I may fall asleep but I dont stay asleep.

Instead,Try some herbal sleepy time tea, caffeine free.


ok duh, thats what Sheryl just told you already 🙂

Im just waking up *yawn


Good Morning Fresh Start!!

I'm running into the "cant sleep" issues on a daily basis from my patients. The best thing I can suggest for you that DOES NOT require a script (so it is non narcotic) is Melatonin. I reccomend that you refrain from ingesting anything with caffine in it after 6 pm. Try to make bed time a ritual- Just like you make the mornings- you get up, shower, dress, eat and go to night you might do some laundry and picking up, then make your dinner, then visit the site, read, watch tv, drink your tea (with honey and your melatonin in it) and should be about one half hour later and you go to bed. I hope this helps you 🙂


Thank you for the great tips! I used the drink coffee all day, but since I quit, haven't wanted much....just one or two cups a day. I do have herbal tea, I'll try that tonight.

Have a great day!




Day 13 here, some nights I get up 1 time, last night however I got up like 5 times.....It varies for me.   Glad you blogged I'm gonna try the night time tea.  🙂


Sleepy Time tea works for me, but then getting to sleep isn't very hard for me. shrug. But I do drink sleepy time tea ever since I quit drinking. Because when I quit alchohol at first it was an issue, but the opposite is true for the smoking, I am sleeping more now that I quit smoking.