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Share your quitting journey

Day 7 – Sitting is the new Smoking

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Almost a week of not smoking. It hasn't been a Hell Week of non-stop thoughts of smoking and beating myself up for feeling powerless. Guess I didn't lose all the coping skills I learned during 2 years of not smoking. But this has been a week of sitting too much. That's going to cause other health issues since "Sitting is the new Smoking."

After I ruined my 2-year quit a few months ago, I'd walk behind the big building across the wide street here 2 or 3 times a day for smoke breaks (didn't want co-workers to know I'd failed at my quit). There's no reason I can't still take breaks and walk.

I work on a campus with four accessible buildings full of artwork. There are catwalks connecting the buildings, lovely views of Tampa Bay out the windows, indoor and outdoor stairwells to climb, a sculpture garden, and a boardwalk around the gator pond outside. But instead of taking breaks and moving around, I'm sitting at this EX site reading and typing.

I'm going to give myself through Day 10 to focus on breathing. (inhale.....  exhale....) "Breathe" is the first word in my quit-for-life mantra. Next is "move" and then "hydrate." After Day 10 – a tough milestone for me in past quits – I'll focus on workday walks (move) with my big water cup (hydrate). For now, I'll sit and breathe and hang around this site full of folks who understand the addiction I'm battling.

Anyone wanna make a walk-with-me date for next Monday?

Thanks for being here.

Breathe, move, hydrate, nourish, rest, repeat.

6 Comentarios

You have a good plan, but don't take EX out of your above mantra!!!  We need you and you might need us.  So a little sitting is okay!  

I want to move to Tampa Bay!!  Where I work, I can't walk too far or I will be another one of those St. Louis statistics.  

Keep working your quit.  Use all those tools and come here to find out about new ones!


keep it going Saucy you can handle this you can do it. just take it one day a t a time, or one hour or one minute at a time if need be and hollar out if you need help. keep your quit and protect it


Great reminder about moving - and walking is a perfect thing to add to your quit plan! (Keep coming here too!) I started walking after I quit and it really helped - in lots of ways! So, I will certainly join you! Congrats again on your quit!


I will join you that day too! i love to walk.


Thank you, friends. Kathy and Shawn, let's start a parade of virtual walkers on Monday.

Terri, we'll send the limo-copter to St Louis for you so you can join us.


Anyone else need a lift to Monday's No-Smoke Walkers Virtual Parade?

Ooo, I'm in! Walking motivation with fun peeps! Yay!