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Day 6 Cold Turkey - You Either Smoke or You Don't

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Withdrawls are minimal at best today and I don't even know if it is withdrawl or just what my body feels like without nic.  Thanks for everyones advise last night about help sleeping, I didn't listen.  I said to myself if I am still awake in two hours I am going to have a smoke.  I was asleep in an hour.  I am sure tonight will be better (date night).

My sister an ex smoker said to me AManda you either smoke or you don't.  I thought that was stupid and told her to shove it.  Well it makes sense know.  When I think about th habitual part of smoking like I just ate and want one I just flip it and say "But you don't smoke, amanda." and I move on.  Fleeting thoughts. 

So here it is...

You either smoke or you don't.  It's like bubble gum, you chew it.


3 Comentarios

Great thoughts! You're so right about the things we choose to do! My thing these days is,,If you really want to quit, you will! Simple as that!

Congrats to you on your terrific quit! Day 6 is awesome! YOu made it through some of the toughest challenges!

Stay Strong & Breathe Deep!

Remember N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever)




Thanks Amanda  - you've made me feel better.  🙂  Congrats on day 6!  May seem like small apples to a non-smoker, but that is some BIG stuff there!  Keep it up - you're showing me I can make to day 6 too!

Thanks for the advice from your sister. I'm going to hang on to that one and it sounds like its working for you. Congrats on Day 6 - I'm right behind you on Day 5.