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Day 59 and having cravings

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The goofball inside me is trying to give up on my quit.  For the past 2 days, i have been experiencing heavy cravings and doing my best to get through them.  I do feel scared, though.  I don't want to smoke.  And the cigs are comming at me...close to me.  I am not losing my mind like on the 3 day and 3 week marks.  But i do need some support with this.  Please, if you feel up to posting would you send me a word of encouragement? 

Thank you all for the support you have already given me.  I could not have made it this far without you.  God Bless, Doris


this is very natural Doris.

I got hit hard the exact same place in my quit.

Just know it will get easier.


Drink a big glass of cold water. take a walk call a non smoker, here's 1800-quit-now, I'm at day 75 today, and I too sometimes have a slight crave. Ok you are at 59 days the worst is past. Remember. cigarette addiction is in my opinion 1% PHYSICAL and 99% MENTAL so you have  did the PHYSICAL cravings. NOw the MENTAL cravings are active which are the easiest to overcome. remember M.O.M   MIND. OVER. MATTER. you are a great QUITTER never stop QUITTING. GOOD LUCK.


I know the feeling Doris - I remember sometimes feeling like I was on a roller coaster with my thoughts and urges for a cigarette.  A couple of days I would feel great,,,, then a couple of days I would wonder when the thoughts would go away.  I learned on the harder days I would need to take extra care and remember my commitment. 

Hang on Doris,,,, you can do this!!  Pretty soon the roller coaster ride will end - you will hardly even give smoking the slightest thought! 


Must be something in the air this week...I'm at ~166 days and I've been fighting it daily all week.....NOPE, not happening no matter how convincing the other voices are!!   We are better off without the smokes so do whatever you must to stay convinced and do not give in!!  3 weeks is a BIG DEAL....CONGRATULATIONS....I'm doubting that you want to experience the guilt you WILL feel if you do give in, much less the fight to start your QUIT AGAIN....!! 


Yeah, I hit big time cravings at the same time and was scared to death.  I was also angry to have come that far and have to be fighting again.  I got thru it and you will do.  I used lots of self-talk and telling myself that there was no way I was going back to Day 1 at this stage.  Hang in there and this too shall pass.


Doris - I agree with here4help that there must be something in the air.  I am on Day 135 and the "brain chatter" thoughts are a bit more frequent that normal.  But I know that it is all in my brain and I have no physical addiction.  So, I think I will go have some lunch, read for a while, and take a nap.  I know it will pass.  The Freedom Train continues to roll - but you may want to put on your seatbelt!!!


This feeling will pass, Ms. Doris! I know how it feels when you get hit hard with a craving.  And it was right about the same time you are at give or take a few days.  Last time, I gave into it.  And by giving in to it, I felt a billion times worse.  Knowing that I had thrown away all of the solid quit time I worked for was the worst feeling ever...I felt so weak and so guilty.  Trust me you do not want to go there, lady! Stay strong and do whatever you have to do to distract yourself. You will get through this.  Sending you all of my love and best wishes xoxoxo


Wet your hands and start cleaning somethng,,, You are so proud to say "I don't smoke" The drug is gone it's a mind game. Talk out loud,,, Sometimes I sing " Softly and Tenderly Jesus isCAlling" It helps!!


Hey Doris!  I too have had a lot of memories this past week.  I think it has to do with the season, going to the garden centers, planting some flowers in the containers on my deck.  All the outside yard stuff I used to do and reward/take a break with a cigarette!  Those damn memories!  So, I make a cup of tea-even in this warm weather.  Because a cup of tea is my signal to relax and it is associated with no smoking for me.  It calms me and before I know it I am thinking, " ok, these thoughts/feelings are just a memory! "   I think this memory process goes on for the first year or so as we have experiences without cigarettes for the first time!  NOPE is really all that matters, smoking is not an option, so look for ways to cope that work for you and let us know what they are! 


Congrats on your day 59 I know all to well about the wanting to give up – Please, Please don’t you can do this just do it one moment at a time I wish that I could give you some type of words that would help you. I feel like I am so new into my quit that I am struggling myself. Sometimes I am afraid my words won’t help. I am very sorry for that what I do have is that it is hard and it does suck and it is a struggle BUT we are all in it together so please stay strong and focused. The one thing that just keeps helping me everyday is reading everyone’s blogs and all of the old timer’s stories I  have them all in a word document and read them as much as I can because that lets me know that quitting this ugly addiction is possible. N.O.P.E


congrats on the quit  got hit by that a ways in just stay strong will go away!!


Jonescarp got hit with this, me too, really weird i know but it will pass.


Congrats. Stay strong. I'm so early into my quit that I still keep struggling and fighting with myself  saying that 2 weeks or 3 days isn't very long and I could just have one and then try to quit again, but I know that wouldn't happen. I would start smoking again and feeling horrible both physically and mentally and I'm not  sure I would try to quit again (actually I'm sure I wouldn't), so I know I can't even have a puff and you know it too. That's so great that you have gone 2 months without smoking. You have come so far and are probably feeling better so don't give up. Do whatever works to distract you.  


Keep thinking of the reasons why you quit in the first place. Cravings will show up now and again for quite a while, I'm not sure when they finally give up. I'm at 307 days and I still get them but they are weak and my resolve is strong.

They can only bother you if you let them. You are much stonger than nicotine addiction. Believe it.