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Share your quitting journey

Day 5

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I think I'm pretty lucky. The worst was day 2, and it hasn't been that bad sense. Every once and awhile a craving will hit, but it lasts like 1-2 seconds, only long enough to really have a memory of it. Once in a while a longer one will happen, but it's pretty rare. I smoked  a pack and a half a day for almost 15 years. I wish I had had this kind of determinations all the times I tried to quit in the past. It makes me feel sick. I didn't even quit when I was pregnant with my son. 😞 I had tried so hard, but I caved in. Trying not to think about that too much as I'm afraid it will get me depressed and cause me to run to cigarettes. I may have not quit for him when I was pregnant, but I sure am now. It was me having a coughing jag while i was putting him to sleep  5 days ago that set a fire under my butt. I couldn't get him to sleep because my coughing was waking him. I had to run from the room to finish coughing, and that got him up. I tossed away my cigarettes that moment and decided it was over. Didn't realize in that moment though that I really meant it, and it wasn't like the dozens of times before where I'd give in.  This is the longest I've ever gone without a cigarette, even including sickness and hospital stays. I don't want a cigarette anymore.I'm looking forward to in a few weeks when the coughing calms down and I can exercise. I'm going to start going to the gym and get the rest of me healthy. I had dropped 28 pounds but quitting smoking has made that a bit more difficult. I'm back up a few pounds, and I'm sure I'll be up a few more in the coming weeks. That's ok. I can always lose it again and it's not worth risking me quitting smoking by adding too  much stress on myself at this point. But I will be healthy. I'm determined to go to the doctor next year and get a clean bill of health.