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Share your quitting journey

Day 5 - There are so many of you!

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I am slugging it out big time today. Seems cravings coming out of nowhere, every nook and cranny of my mind not to mention seeing a standup cig ash tray out in the parking lot. Mostly I'm ok when I sense the thoughts/cravings coming; its the crave wave that gets me like when i turn my back to the ocean and walk back up the beach; that one slaps me good.

At the same time, you people have so much wisdom for someone new like me. I think there is more true inspiration and wisdom here that reflects the fundamental human struggle than any place i've ever seen. As a religious studies major with an ongoing interest in theology,  you can well imagine all the symbolism i see in everyone's writings. Anyone ever happen to read martin buber's "i and thou"? well, this site is that book.

okay, back to riding the craves out, sucking on tootsie rolls, chewing straws, gnashing my teeth. they all hold their own place in my covenent with myself and all those who make this gathering of people, each of us fighting his or her own battle, what it is.

I am so new to this, I can only reflect. When I am seasoned, I hope to give back. But first I have to get through today.



Hang in there. Sounds like you got lots of ways to manage those sneaky craves. Keep doing what you ve been doing, you will getvthrough them.

Stay strong, you can do this


hang on, you can do this....craves just come and wreak havoc on you, then crawl away----defeated, and thats what we want


I prefer seasoning salt on a ribeye.

That's seasoned!  :-))


Onward and Upward


Hopefully when I'm seasoned, I won't also be "fried".



It has been said it it's not the journey, but the destination. ..In this case, it IS  the journey that leads us to the destination.  I believe you can do this my friend. 


You may not realize it are giving back. You writing the blogs that you write is a HUGE controbution to this site. Thank you for sharing your experience, you may be giving words to something another person is going through and you're letting us know what's working for you and you may be giving an idea to a new person that's just joined the site. You are working your quit and in the begining it can be a lot of work but it does get better and you are soooooo worth the effort you're putting into your quit! WTG....a tip some the elders passed on to me was to drink water, lots and lots of water. I still keep a bottle with me most of the time. You're doing great!!!  Congratulations on your awesome 5 DOF...a few more days and you've got your first week!!! WOOHOO


Storm and Marilyn (marmac) shared with us info about an interesting little book called: Out of the Ashes by Peter and Peggy Holmes.

Here is the link to some excerpts from the book, I would have found very helpful at the beginning of the recovery, still carrying value for someone like me (152 DOF)

Here are a couple of examples: 


A desire to smoke is not a 
Command which must be followed. 
Just because I want to smoke- 
That doesn't mean I have to smoke. 
My craving is a feeling like any other. I can act on it, or choose not 
to. There is no such thing as an 
Overwhelming desire to smoke. 
I may want to smoke-but I 
want to stop smoking much more. 
I can smoke-but I don't have to smoke 
I might smoke later, or I might not. 
All I need to worry about is this moment. 
My options are to experience this craving 
now or go back to smoking. 
I choose, for now, to accept 
these mildly uncomfortable feelings, 
because they are the only 
alternative to smoking, and because 
they are the only thing in the 
world which will allow me to 
breathe better, live longer, like 
myself more, and be more alive. 


Wow! I love that and you (the "group" you) are such inspiration. Going to look at that book as all this stuff really does speak to me and helps a lot.



Congratulations on Day 5 of freedom. 2 more days you will be out of hell week and then moving on to heck week.   Doing good so far stay busy busy busy and drink water and more water and then more water.  Keep your sense of humor it will take you far and hope at the end seasoned just right and not fried hahaha  Stay strong!! NOPE!!! for me  


When you get a crave, say outloud. " I don't do that anymore."  It is pretty amazing how much it helps.  You are doing great.


My favorite is "a thought is not a command." 

Remember to get busy and distract yourself when a crave hits.  Try not to let it rattle around in your head alone!



Congrats on day 5 !!!!!! Try not to gnash your teeth it is not good for them ......:-)  But seriously , try not to fight the craves as someone once said let them wash over you and think a positive thought as you take some deep relaxing breats ( I like 3 of them ) on the last exhale exhale so s-l-o-w-l-y and allow your body to relax a much as possible even if you are stnding in line at the grocery store just don't relax so much that you fall into the next person in line ! You get the idea now go relax and chew on one of your straws I had so many of them i would even find them one the ground outside ! I was a neater smoker then that !

Stay strong and carry on God Bless you you have made a great decision and I know you can do it !


You are a very perceptive guy! This place is amazing - and you see that! I came here over 6 years ago....I stay because of what a special place this is! It meant so much to me - I feel compelled to stay. I want others to feel the great joy of the freedom quitting smoking brings! 

I like your reference to the waves - similar to the use of clouds passing by in the sky (used in It said to watch the craves - as you would watch clouds passing by (or waves) - don't try to run or escape....just watch and know they will pass on by! It is when we try to run that we can get into trouble. 

Congrats on your quit! 


Whew! I feel surrounded by so many virtual well wishers. I guess it happens to everyone a few times in our lives for the "big stuff"; but, I never expected it here. Didn't know what to expect. Really amazing, ya'll.



@daniella~~~great help....mdmd you are pretty amazing too...everyone has the input to matter how new to the sightl