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Day 5 Of Being A Non Smoker.....For Real?

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So after 5 days of not being able to blog, comment etc, I finally had a friend help me with what was wrong, so here I am, able to blog! YAYYYY!!!!! Anyways, I have been taking Chantix for about 1 month now and I could not figure out why it was still driving me crazy to try and not smoke even though it made me sick! So, I did what I learned here on EX. I started delaying that next smoke break. I only brought 2 smokes to work with me. I would wait 1 hour after eating before smoking. I stopped smoking in my car. This went on for about 2 weeks and then, 5 days ago....I snuffed out my last smoke and said to myself "You are going to get up in the morning, go to work without having cigs, buying cigs or bumming cigs from coworkers. If you are dying to smoke by the time you get off work, you can buy 1 pack and keep separating."  I went that 8 hours without smoking and I never looked back. On the ride home that day, I was not dying TO smoke. I was dying to NOT smoke anymore. It has not been easy. I am eating too much candy for my liking but nothing else interests me, lol. I cannot believe I have not inhaled poison for 5 whole days! I feel better, but still weird. Yesterday was hard for some reason. I got home and all I wanted to do was smoke. I cleaned up around the house and played video games, that helped. Then I couldn't sleep which was horrible but they can't all be easy days now, can they? 😄 I have been floating around here on the blogs reading everything I can and am so excited to be able to actually communicate with you all finally. Thanks for reading!


the delay teaches you to take the fear away

you prove to yourself you have the power

it gets in your head in a different place

where you can quit in a positive way

you may feel the tug of the old addiction bug

but now you rule your rug

because you've learned it goes away


Yes, still feeling that tug! But I have nothing to fear anymore and that's a wonderful feeling. I used to feel I could not live, function without my pack of newports. Now I KNOW I can, I am and I will continue to do so one day at a time. Thank you!


Hi Olivia,

Great job on 5 days of freedom from that nasty poison. Those separation exercises made such a difference with me also just before I finally quit.

Just keep coming up with alternatives of what to do instead of smoking. Make a list if you need to. Continually add to the list every time you think of something new. Then you can reference the list at moments of stress.

It's a great feeling not smoking for 5 days. Kudos to you. Just wait, it gets better and better, as long as you don't smoke.

Welcome to EX.


The most IMPORTANT thing you can do for your quit now is to educate yourself about the addiction and the mind games it plays on us....READ,READ,READ for a successful quit...the more you read, the EASIER it is...


CHOOSE to quit smoking, not TRY. Educate yourself by reading these links that most of us have used to help us quit and STAY quit! This is about making a DECISION to never put another cigarette in your mouth, mean it, and be committed to follow through on that decision. Also allow NO excuses AND hang in there for as long as it takes, no matter how uncomfortable you become.... This is about re-learning your life WITHOUT cigarettes....start changing your "normal" routine....because a smoker's routine revolves around cigarettes. You will be a nonsmoker so change how you start your morning so it doesn't revolve around cigarette breaks, etc. You CAN do this! ....


Allan Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking -


Also, use these coping techniques:

Stay close to this site and remember NOPE=Not One Puff Ever...and as long as you stick to this ONE SIMPLE rule, you will the meantime, drink plenty of fresh cold water to rid your body of the toxins,6 smaller, nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your blood-sugar levels steady, (don't diet!)......and it will keep your blood sugar level and the low blood sugar induced fogginess and craves away.


....take big arm STRETCHES as often as needed to relax tense muscles and most importantly, take big DEEP BREATHS TO RELAX AND RELIEVE anger... take a nap, take walks, stay buzy with something you LIKE and brush you teeth immediately after each meal...stick your head in the freezer and DEEP BREATHE....If you bite into a lemon, the smoking thought will be gone instantly...try it, it works, also suck on sugarfree hard candy or lollipops and one of my friends here says be sure to use the Halls mentholyptus cough drops......Be prepared in advance for it,not surprised by it...Smoking thoughts only have power when you have fear. Face it head on and do not try to run or hide. You have the strength and power to tell it NO...You have the CHOICE to tell it NO. Each time you get a smoking urge, immediately DISTRACT yourself and kick the thought out of your head!!! .. ---free link to Joel's Jukebox at


congrats, welcome and keep doing what u are


Congratulations on 5 days.  That is HUGE!!  Yes, I did the same thing the last few days before my quit.  Finally, the last 2 days I smoked 2 ciggerettes each day.  Then, I knew it was time.  Happy Valentines day to you!!


I highy recommend Allen Carr's book.  It is an easy, entertaining read that contains a wealth of good information on what smoking does to your body and mind.  I think you will be amazed at what you didn't know!

Stay strong.  You will do this one hour, sometimes one minute at a time.  Pretty soon the hours will become days, and the days will add up to weeks.  After 2-3 of those, it will get easier!

Stay close to us.  We are all behind you, cheering you on!


Quit 7/4/12


Way to go on 5 days now!  I suck on a lot of Dum Dum lollipops, which really helps me. I am now on day 10!!  woo hoo and I feel so much better.   Deep breaths, delay, distract, do something and dose with ur chantix.  That's what I stick to.   hang in there!   Amy


Way to go on 5 days now!  I suck on a lot of Dum Dum lollipops, which really helps me. I am now on day 10!!  woo hoo and I feel so much better.   Deep breaths, delay, distract, do something and dose with ur chantix.  That's what I stick to.   hang in there!   Amy


Hello Olivia and welcome! Drink plenty of water, take lots of deep breaths and laugh alot! These are some of the things that helped me in the early stages of my quit and I have to say, still do help. You are on your way to making your new normal without smoking. It sometimes does feel weird because we were so use to smoking at every corner and now we don't!  I now look everyday for the positive in not smoking! It doesn't take much, theres always good in not smoking! Have a great day.


Hi Olivia. Way to go on day 5!! I too am on day 5. It's such a good feeling knowing that it's been 5 whole days since we've lit up and taken all that junk into our bodies, even though the cravings are stil pretty bad. I know exactly what you're going through trust me. I tried Chantix a few years ago and the crazy insane dreams it gave me made me give up but I hope it's working for you. Stay strong, stay on this site. People on here have been great!


Congrats Olivia! You are a gets better and easier and amazing...xo


I carried this list with me the first two weeks:  




Thanks everybody!!!! The support is wonderful, I feel strong and empowered that if I hit a snag, I just need to reach out and you all will help me through, so thank you! Feeling good about ending day 5 and starting day 6, yeeeehaaaaawwww!!!!