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Share your quitting journey

Day 45 and first Blog

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Hi Ex's yes I am on day 45 and this is my first blog.  First blog ever period!!  Even though I have not blogged (it took me over 40 days to change the picture) I have come to this site before work and after every day to get inspiration.  I saw someone yesterday who was asking where certain people are and that just really hit me.  Wow these people not only give inspiration they really do care.  

So here it goes, day 45 and still going strong.  Yes I get the craves from who knows where but this is my forever quit so I always say NO!!  My husband still smokes so there are some challenging times but I finally got it through to him he could not longer smoke in the house when I am here.  I also got it through to him that if he smoked in the house before I got home he had to spray it down with febreze.  

Still a long ways to go to make it to the 6% club but very determined to get there and see us be inspiration for others.

Stay strong and N.O.P.E.


Very Good.


Hi Bonnie, great job.  You are doing this.  It is so worth it.  Carry on.


Bonnie - Great job!! I can tell you have been reading plenty of blogs - and you have done a great job in writing one! Congrats on your quit! 


Congrats on 45 days. Stay strong.


Forty-five days is a huuuge accomplishment, especially with the constant reminder living in the house with you.  Stay strong, you've done such a good job at staying free up to this point, and no reason is good enough for going back.  

Please hang in there Bonnie.  It does get easier.   


((((CONGRATULATIONS ON 45 precious smoke free days))))


Hey Bonnie! Great to see your blog! Keep at it! Blogging and Quittng! 🙂 45 days is super. NML can be a challenge but sounds like you've got this!!!! Congrats!

Congratulations on 45 days...stick with us, you are doing beautifully.  Remember that when you blog, you help yourself AND others.  Glad that you made it clear to your husband that he cannot smoke inside when you are there.


Congratulations on 45 days, well done 🙂


Hey Bonnie, our quit days are very close together, and my husband also continues to smoke. He is very supported and smokes on the deck, I still see it and smell it on him so I think you and I  have really conquered a difficult battle.  My husband says he's inspired and wants to join me in my quit, but this is my time and will not put any pressure on him, but am glad he is seeing that it can be done!  I am glad you decided to post, I think I get strength from reading others experiences, especially during difficult days, I hope you gain the same benefit.

Congrats on 45 days



Welcome Bonnie... This is a very caring site and you will be glad you opened the doors.  45 days are wonderful and you should be proud.  Come here often learn, blog, laugh, cry~ we do it all.  My husband also still smokes, he does not smoke around me but he will go in the bathrooms with the fan on.  And yes it still smells but I too have my handy dandy febreeze cans in every nook and cranny.  Hope to see you around more often and congratulations!!


459 DOF


Good for you! Whatever you are doing, keep it up!