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Share your quitting journey

Day 40

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Day 40. Felt sort of sad today. Wishing I could go back to living my old life. Without caring about my health or the future.  It was like ugh wish I could still not care. 

I ate my feelings just a little. Not the best coping mechanism I know atleast it was low cal ice cream. Didn’t vape. Didn’t smoke.
Could be pmsing too. Who knows.

I made it to day 40 and is what it is. I am happy to be here. It just feels a bit bittersweet. I am still doing it! 

7 Comentarios

I'm on day 52 I know what you're feeling. The body is celebrating because it feels so good. But the brain is cursing at you because of the pain it's in. I should be dropping down to 7mg on Sunday, the body is ready, but the brain will need another 2 weeks on 14mg patches unfortunately. Do you get a tightness in the chest when a bad craving is starting? This time of year is normally depressing, but I don't think I seen the sun for a couple of weeks. Might be time to up the vitamin d again. Did you go cold turkey or are you using nrt?


Keep it going one day at a time. NOPE. I reached 11 years quit last week and I have no regrets that I’m still here, smoke free and grateful for my freedom.


OOf. Somewhere around day 75 I almost caved and it was definitely PMS related. I feel you. 

You were feeling crummy yesterday but you didn't use a crutch! That is success! How are you feeling today?

Be kind to yourself, and patient, and stay grounded, okay? Don't let guilt over ice cream get you down. Rewarding yourself is important and that trumps the calories for now! As you go forward, hopefully you'll find other things too that feel like a treat but don't come with drawbacks. Hang in there! 41 days is AWESOME!  You're crushing it!


Thank you all for the support. @Tomuch101 I intended to have nicotine gum when I quit but one of my biggest symptoms of the quit has been feeling sick to my stomach and the nicotine gum just made it worse! So I ended up ditching that after a couple days and now I have a massive pack under my bathroom sink I need to get rid no nrt just cold cold cold turkey. 😕

I keep going back to the triggers for wanting to vape.

1. Accomplishing a big thing/event/social that I was worried about.  

2.Feeling down or hormonal 

3. Bored/ not busy 

Yesterday was #1 and #2 so thanks for saying that @McMoney about being patient with myself. I do feel a lot better today! Lots of sleep and plans to stay busy and active today.  

I am on to day 41 and going to live vape free breathing easy today. 


thanks all. 


Keep working your quits, even through the blahish days.  Did I mention I cried ALOT the first year of my quit, now on quit day 480? @Finallyquittin  I relate to that feeling of, I wish I could go back to the noncaring days,(you know the days when I was feeding my addiction and not fighting my brain.  The days when I just smoked em up and ignored the coughing).   Think and dwell on the future you want and what that will look like.  My future envisions not walking around with an oxygen tank in tow.  My future envisions long walks out in the sunshine and chasing my grandchildren and going on vacations and hiking.  My future envisions not having coughing fits that last for 5 mins.  Smoking steals your breath and I need that breath, so I can LIVE my life.


Congrats on 40 days!  I've had days like that too!  Wishing it could just be like old times.  It's just a way the Nica demon tries to get you to smoke again.  Good job in saying NOPE!  Stay close and stay strong.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Congratulations on being 40 days smoke free @Finallyquittin! Keep going... better days are ahead!

Quiana, EX Team