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Day 4

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I got some exciting news about an availability for an advance in a hobby I am getting into which is SUPER exciting and got me through the afternoon and into the evening. Now though I am having a pretty hard time. My craving is pretty hysterical right now. Similar to a light panic attack. Not completely immobilized but pretty damn upset. Chest has been pretty tight for a while now. I wasn't sure there for quite a while if I was going to give in and buy some smokes. Seriously I had pretty much made up my mind to smoke. Then I really started thinking about how horrible these last few days have been. And I decided at least for a while that I didn't want to do that whole thing over again. Guess that's a pretty good motivator. Geesh this last few days have been the longest and most stressful 3 days in a while. I don't remember being this fatigued and tense.

Also found out today that we are pretty damn tight on money right now which is causing me quite a bit of stress. Man when I get there a smoke sure sounds pretty freaking awesome. Sit and have a long slow smoke and figure it out. Why in the world does it feel like I can't figure it out without a smoke? That doesn't make much sense. But seriously that's how it feels. It feels like I can't even deal with regular life that everyone else deals with! Non-smokers deal with low money issues and don't need the substance why does it seem like I can't? It's ridiculous! Right now my motivation is not simply to not have a smoke, it's to not smoke so I don't feel like this again! It's horrible. It's horrible that a substance messes with my emotions and body like this. It's all out of whack!! I don't ever want to do this again.



The days will get better from here on!!  I promise!!  YOU CAN DO THIS!  Try deep breathing that helped me when I had my anxiety attacks!!


past day 3....nicotine is leaving your system no turning back now.....the worst is over. you go!!


hey, dont give up now deep breathing a shower alil exercise, turn ur thinkin around, wedont NEED a sickorette, think I DONT WANT A SICKORETTE. remeber urges cravings pass, lung cancer, copd emphysema, they dont pass, they kill ya. be strong, tough it out, 4 days is pretty good, so protect ur quit.. u can do it, Joanne, smokefree 523 days a 40 yr smoker,living w/ stage 4 copd endemphysenma, waiting to be listed for a lung transplant,


Hang out's not that difficult...just take the emotion out of your thinking...


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Good!  Then DON'T go through that again....all you have to do is realize how lucky you are to have quit for this long and how much better off you are without that cloud of smoke swirling around your head!!

Can't wait to celebrate your first milestone of 50 days on the Freedom Train!!!!!  You are going to love it.....mark it on your will give you something to look forward to and work toward!!



I can feel your pain. I do not want to go back either. I do not want you to smoke. Just when I think I am going to smoke someone in my family tells me how proud they are.

 I do not want you to get the news I did. I get strep throat and they say we think you have Lung Cancer. Cigarettes just dont seem that important anymore. The fear a person feels at that very moment is debilitating. I am not trying to scare you and I hope I DID NOT that is not my intention. I know I just want to pull my hair out at times but the feelings will pass. I hope you dont smoke and we are here.