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Share your quitting journey

Day 4 :)

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Hey Folks! 

Successfully got through the weekend smoke free! yayyy! It was not an easy weekend but I was with friends the whole time who kept me sane and VERY busy. I was pretty tired by the end of the weekend. I can't wait until I get past the first week and I'm getting excited now that I'm halfway there. I just keep looking at each day as a step closer to week 1 being finished. I'll do the same thing with week 2 and then so on and so forth until finally I'm looking at a months!!! 

My next big big hurdle, I think is going to be a camping trip I have coming up for Memorial Day. We are going with a group of 12 of us but 3 of them are smokers so I know this will be a big trigger weekend for me. I have told everyone of my quit and asked them to respect it and smoke away from me however, I'm looking for some advice on how to prepare for it. IT will be week 3 so I will not be out of the woods (no pun intended) yet. 


Any advice would be much appreciated folks! 


You know what I just realized guys, I'm actually on Day 5!! WHAT?!! My last cigarette was Wednesday morning, April 29th. That was when I had to reset! I'm a day later into no smoking than I thought. This is going to be a great week! 


This is how it's done - one minute, one hour, one morning/afternoon/evening at a time.  You've GOT it.  Just keep adding those days and remember, "you will not smoke NO MATTER WHAT!"



keep it up - you got this quit-just remember to take your gum, carrots and straws on the camping trip with you and most of all have fun and enjoy yourself. if you get an urge to smoke go for a walk a brisk walk and keep telling yourself "I don't do that anymore" you got this quit going on. Proud of you!


very good. I knew it was 5 days.   🙂  🙂


Dale usually recommends a little dab of Vicks under your nose to kill the smell of might try that.


Congrats on 5 days! Have a plan for what you will do when faced with someone smoking on the trip - going for a stroll, going to your tent to read, getting a nice cold drink of water, going to hang out with a non-smoker, anything will work - as long as it is a plan you have figured out ahead of time! Asking your friends to respect your quit is a great idea! 

Congrats again!