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Day 4 of cold turkey

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This day 4 of cold turkey has been hell.  Actually considered smoking again just because of the bad feelings occurring.

The QuitNow site gives the strong impression that it’s smooth sailing after 72 hours when all the nicotine has left the body.  For me it has been just the beginning of the agony.

I  want to remember this when I begin to devalue my quit and think that I can just quit again if I relapse.

Hoping day 5 is better...



My day 4 was crap as well. And day 17, and day 22 was one of the worst ever. Quitting isn't linear, for one, and I don't know about you but I smoked for over 30 years so I'd expect it would take a while to feel better. I'm feeling better now than week 1, that's for darn sure, but have relapsed after 4 years before so I just take it one day at a time. One minute at a time on bad days. Just remember your reasons for quitting and that the only way out is through.


@JuJuCFruit Totally sympathize. I was at day 4 yesterday and thought I was going to lose my mind. Started sweating and short of breath while packing bags in grocery store. Once I left and was outside I felt better. For sure yesterday was the hardest day yet. Great thing is I didn't go to the corner and buy a pack of cigarettes and neither did you! Joanne


The mental pull is very strong, even after all nicotine is out of your system. You just never know when it is going to hit you. When I get that overwhelming feeling, I picture a green nasty nicotine monster (the mucinex guy, I think😀). In my mind, I kick that son of a gun as hard as I can and he flies away and splats on the ground.   And I actually feel better.  Whatever gets us through, right?!  I will not smoke with you today!!


@JuJuCFruit @AddJoy @JDMullin616 

Even though withdrawal symptoms are probably the worse the first week, they can last up to a month as they gradually taper off.  

I guess it can be smooth sailing for some after 72 hours, but I have doubts about that.   And the psychological  part of quitting  lasts longer for many.

Agreed, most of us smoked a long time, so it's going to take some time to adjust physically and emotionally to the loss of nicotine.   You'll all doing great!  Glad you found each other for support during these early days of your quit.

Keep moving forward one day at a time.



The way you think about quitting smoking will determine your results - if you perceive it to be hard, it will be. If you perceive it as recovery from addiction and a positive choice, quitting will be SO very doable! Don't resist the urges and don't fight them. Accept that the thoughts are part of quitting. Just let them come and go. Watch them come and go. Don't try to stop them. Remember: What you resist, persists... it can be rough at first. but you can do it. Quitting is SO very doable!  🙂  Things can be hard because you're doing something right..jpg


I guess it’s true that misery loves company.  I do find it comforting that I am not the only one suffering though. 
Thank you to each of you for your wisdom!


The big bad nicotine monster



 After (an as-yet undetermined amount of time):



Hi @JuJuCFruit ... this journey takes a lot of work...You are now on to day 5 which is super, however, you are very early in this journey. Sometimes feelings will last a moment, some a day, some more than is important to take smoking out of the equation, it will help nothing...I am so happy you are writing down your feelings...remember you never want to go through week 1 again...

Sending good vibes your way...~ Colleen 868 DOF


I'm late to the party

The following information is what I wish I'd known when I quit. What I learned from others experiences and, talking to people with a lot of wisdom about quitting smoking on the first site I was on.



Very, very helpful!  Will refer to this in future too.

when I woke up this morning I told myself that I was going to make today much better than yesterday, and it worked!


Well- here is something you have to consider....whether it is 72 hours or whatever when all nicotine is out of your system....that is when your body REALLY goes crazy. Because the drug it has been counting on Being "delivered" regularly for many years is no longer available. And so your body starts to drive you crazy saying.......give me that drug, give me that drug. The nicotine being out of your system is not the end. Otherwise, quitting smoking would be about 3-4 days and then done(don't we all wish). It is hard in the beginning because smoking was such a part of our lives. Maybe we did not realize it...but it controlled everything we did . Hang in are doing great.



Quitting is tough and gets easier with time. For some it may take months- or longer - to relax in their quit. But whatever the bumpiness - or the length - of the journey, one thing holds true:

None of us wants to ever have to repeat Day One.

So stick with your plan to become a non-smoker.

Vow to never light up again, one day at a time, and you will never smoke again. 😊

Also, the link foe the **bleep** Van **bleep** movie that you posted has been removed. So I went online, typed in the name of the movie and added the words free on YouTube and was able to readily access this funny and true-to-life movie. I'm going to watch it again! 

Congratulations on *** FOUR *** DAYS *** FREE *** OF *** CIGARETTES !!!!

About the Author
Smoked for FIFTY years most recently about 1 1/2 packs a day. Cigarettes controlled every aspect of The Who, what, when, where, how, why and if of my life literally. Have made several serious attempts to quit but none lasted at the most more than a few months. This time will be different so help me God... please!