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Share your quitting journey

Day 4 and going stong

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Well today is day 4 and this morning has started off to be a good one. My usual morning craving wasn't as bad this morning. Better today than it has any other day. Still haven't put myself in the position to be around any smokers. I have been avoiding even walking by the smoke hole at work.

I've come to notice that while I'm at work the cravings dont seem to be as bad. Usually it's still when I'm walking to my car and sitting at home in the evening time. I guess my body is still in the routine of wanting to light one up. I know these will eventually will pass in time.

I wish everyone good luck as we all fight the fight! Have a good day everybody.

6 Comentarios
Good Job with the Quit! I also do much better at work than I do at home. I am hoping the desires and craves will really fade away after 30 days. It is so much better now than my first 10 days, but I still have moments at night when it would so easy to go out and grab one rather than fight through. But No one promised this to be easy, just doable. Good Luck!
You are doing awesome with your quit. Just take it one day at a time. See, I knew you could do this.
Excellent job! You will find that the cravings become less frequent and less severe. What you are going through during your walk to the car and during the evenings are your triggers, and those are the toughest times to deal with. Just be strong, and come here when you need support. You are doing awesome! Keep it up!!!
Yep, it sure does pass. Just keep going...easier and easier gets better and better. 🙂
Yep, it sure does pass. Just keep going...easier and easier gets better and better. 🙂
Almost to a week
You mentioned a one week reward in your pm?
Do something good for you

The cravings will pass. Realize they are coming from past memories and feelings now.