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Share your quitting journey

Day 385 I had to look up "my days" !

0 7 79

I just want to check in and thank everyone who commented on my last blog . Everyone here is so important to me I would not have ever gotten this far without the help of Ex. I know this because I have tried to quit before and never made it past a few months . I tried calling the toll free numbers they give you with the nicotine Patches help there .

If any of you are new to Ex please don't give up and as one of our members (Terrie) always says "Don't give up on your quit ! " and I say Don't give up on Ex either !

I think having this on - going support system is so important, helping others is helping me, so lets all stick together and keep our quits going strong .

Have a very Happy Sunday Stay Strong and Carry On .......together we can do this !

7 Comentarios
dont give up no matter what

Every time i board the Freedom train, i am having to go back to my page to see my number of days! I just can't remember anymore and i think that is a good thing maybe? lol I remember when i first quit, i kept looking at that clock and loved how each day went by and i was still free.That clock did help me alot when i think about it! Happy Sunday to you too!!


I foregt my numbers too.  I gets better and better.  Don;t quit on your quit. 


It's really such a simple idea but it works so well, we support each other at every stage of our quits and we ALL get stronger because of it.  The elders are reminded of what they went through at the beginning, the newbies are wondering if they will ever get to the point where they really don't think about smoking every single minute of every single happens but not without working at it.  Like Shawn, I have to go back and look at my page to see how many days I have when I get on the Freedom Train.  I NEVER expected that.


Life is EXtra grand without a cigarette in hand and you are doing EXtremely, EXcemplenery in your EXquisite quit my Bonnie B and a super congrats on your awesome 385 splendiferous DOF and counting WTG. 


385 days is SUPER!  Glad to hear you are doing so well!


Beautiful, beautiful message Bonnie!!! Thanks for sharing...together we can make it!!!
Acerca del autor
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .