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Share your quitting journey

Day 315 and I need help!

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It seems so dumb to come this close to a year and be having massive cravings. But here I am. Dangit! I have NO intention of smoking and have made my staff move even further from the door because it's all I can smell. But some part of me is fighting, kicking and screaming over cravings today. Blogging seemed like a much better idea!

20 Comentarios

you've come a long way.

i suggest that there will be an occasional day, perhaps from a mood, or the smell.

you didn't get this far by smoking.

you have some new coping techniques mastered to get you this far.

lean on those


You have our support with everything we can muster to send it to you. BTW, here is a club to beat that nicodemon with.



Smart girl for blogging! I don't understand the cravings at all. I've read the why, but somewhere deep inside I just don't comprehend how a drug can reach out and smack you with such strong cravings long after it has left your body. But, as I just posted on another blog, I had a very strong craving just a couple of weeks ago. It seemed that I could actually taste and smell a cigarette. I wasn't around anyone smoking, I wasn't under any stress, there simply was no reason for me to have an urge hit me out of the blue. But, like you, I jumped on Ex and called for my help commitee..and they responded. Another day of NOPE and another day of winning. Take that you nicodemon!!!


I'm a rookie compared to how far you've come so I think you should do what you wrote on your own page on day 206.

"A good reminder when I have a weak moment and dwell on a craving is to run in place or otherwise get my heart rate up.  Then pay attention to the fact that I can breathe! It's even more fun to do with a smoker ;)"

Line up your staff of smokers right now and tell them to start running!!  Then you can laugh at them as they start to pass out.  Just a thought.


Nothing can get in your way of your awesome quit.

It's odd how cravings are so much a part of our past. They are a nasty reminder of our nicotine addiction.Kick them to the curb. Bring on the 6% club!!


Imagine your inner junkie as a prisoner you have successfully locked in a cell. In the early days, he screamed and yelled and beat on the walls to make you let him out, but you didn't. He's tired now, and giving up. But every now and then, he will rattle those bars and make some noise, in the hopes of getting your attention. He'll do this less and less often as time goes by, but when he does, your response should be the same as it was early in your quit -- NOPE!  

It might be nice to identify what triggered this, but really all that matters is how you respond to it. Get outta here junkie, I don't need you anymore! 

You're doing great Jules, you are smarter than nicotine and you know exactly what to do! 


I am with you and I understand.  Someone said in one of these blogs that at this point it is more of having thoughts about smoking as opposed to actual craves.  And it makes so much sense to me.  We are pretty close in the lengths of our quits – and I have to say I have thoughts about cigarettes all the time.  (probably more than most)  By the same token we both have to be thinking about smoking because we are so close to that one year mark.

 As everyone has said – you are strong and you know what to do.  But I understand how you feel!


You can handle this keep telling yourself you can do this. Sometimes a thought may want to sneak back into our heads and hang around but toss that thought out as quickly as you can and get busy doing something to keep you distracted. Coming here and blogging is one of the best things to do when thoughts like that want to hang around. That nicodemon now knows you told us all and now he will run like hell. 


Wow 315 days that is sooo great. No you can't smoke--we don't give you permission to however we always love to hear from ya. You are an inspiration to us all right now because you have done everything right. This is the place to be if every you think of smoking. All you need is a little incouragement and maybe you should pick up one of those clubs from oldbones. Just look for his blog--he is handing them out. LOL


I just want to reassure you that approaching a milestone is a very common time for nico-fits! Especially the one year mark! That's why I say that the true landmark is day 367 ( covering for leap year! You have the skills! Do whatever it takes yo get to 367, ma'am! You CAN do this!

Thank you for writing this.  I'm 286 days and had a couple of days in the last week that  have been curious.  And aggravating.  LOL!


Hang in there!!


hang in there, you have gone to far, breath in and out. in and out. congrats,

You've got this. You came here and blogged, you are almost in the 6% club!

Thomas is right - these upcoming milestones can lead to some pretty wild and crazy times! You have done exactly the right thing Jules by writing this blog! Congrats on 315 days and on saying that you have no intention of smoking! These thoughts are normal...our reaction to them is what is important! You WILL be okay - I just know it! They are thoughts - memories - nothing more. 


Blogging was a great idea. We all know we never want another day 1.

I referred to this whenever I had any smoking thoughts----it ended them immediately!




I want one-no I don't. One sounds great-no it doesn't. Oh just one-not just one. If you keep thinking in terms of "one" this kind of internal debate is non-relenting-it will slowly drive you nuts.

So, don't carry on this debate. Don't think in terms of one. Think in terms of full-fledged smoking. The full quantity, the social stigma, the stench, the costs, the risks. I'm not advocating looking at them negatively. Just look at them how they were-really were at the end.

They were making you sick and tired enough of them that you voluntarily put yourself into withdrawal to break free from them. You did it. Now just keep them in perspective. If you used to smoke 20 a day, say to yourself when the urge hits that "I want 20 a day, every day, for the rest of my life, till it cripples, then kills me." As soon as you hear yourself say it in that perspective you will likely find yourself next saying, "What am I thinking? I don't want to smoke that way." That will be the end of that particular discussion.



I hear you-I sometimes think about it ... I try to change my thoughts to: I have done this one day at a time for a lot of days now... I know N.O.P.E is the way to do it.... I know I smell clothing smells better... I don't need to get up and get that cup of coffee fast because I need my fix... I know I have more money now...You Get the idea.. you have been a winner for 315 days now!


Hey Jules. I hope today is going easier for you...I was just catching up on yesterday's blogs because I hadn't been on the site. I wanted to share something with you that someone on here shared with me once...wish I had the graphic but I will just type it out.


Persist no matter what

Endure discomfort

Request help ( you did that, good for you!)

Steadfastly hold onto your beliefs

Envision triumph

Very consistently keep at it

Embrace adversity as your teacher

Refuse to give up

Enjoy and celebrate every bit of progress.

You hold the power, you always have.

I'm so proud of you and I can't wait until we reach the 6% club, because we will persevere and make it Jules!♥


Hello Jules! So glad you came here for help friend...I just hit a year in November and Thomas told me at that time that it is quite common to have smoking thoughts around the one year mark...You are right on target...Same thing happened to me and it passed pretty quick. As a former serial quitter with multiple long term quits it is my experience that from time to time it happens. WE now have the tools to shut it down...

Great to see you...I miss seeing that kitty cat more! xo


THANK YOU EVERYONE! Today is a better day. I just got all worked up over some elderly parent crap but I came to read all these wonderful things you all said and I feel much better. Plus I am remembering to BREATHE and not to make my shoulders into earrings!

XOXO all!!!


Way to go Jules!