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Share your quitting journey

Day 3

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I have been here before.  Day 3 and stil no smoking.  I wonder what is different this time?  It really feels different to me.  I feel more strength not to go to the store to buy cigarettes.  I hate how quitting can consume me though.  It's all I think about.  I have to fight the urges that I do have.  I know I will make it.  I know I can do it this time.  It's just a matter of getting over the mental aspect of quitting.  I keep telling myself it will be ok.  I just don't want to gain a bunch of weight and then have to overcome a food addiction....GEEZE.....Why did I even start to begin with?

7 Comentarios

Good for you Tracy 3 days no easy chore. I think we all wonder why we started but what is important is we all decided to quit. It might be a little easier this time because you are just sick and tired of smoking and you are determined to stay quit. I found taking it one day at a time really helped. Allot of support on this site, stay close. Give it some time it truly does get easier.  I wish you well


Thank you Rick.  I appreciate your supportive words. 


I'm on day 4, and I know what you mean.  It does consume you, which is why I like this web page and all the support that is here.  Our brain is addicted to the nicotine, and the brain doesn't rest.  It is a constant battle up there and can be very tiring.  So we give in to snacking....maybe gain a few pounds.  Without the cigarettes, we'll become more active and be able to control the snack attack after we have beat the habbit.  One thing I do, is walk.  I used to take a brake from my cubical to go I take that break and walk.  Helps keep the weight down, relieve tension, and get my mind off cigarettes.  The other thing is to drink lots of water that will help feel full and help with the detox of your system.  We are going to beat this. : )


Thanks for the tips Greg.  I know it's gonna be hard but you are right, we can beat this..  Just one day at a time.  🙂


Tracy another good way to fight it is by running or exercising. I find that when I run it really makes my brain not want to smoke at all. It can be a good distraction plus its healthy and will help with any extra calories you may get by snacking.


Welcome to our world!! You can do this!! We will help!!!!! Tommy


For me days 1 - 4 were the most difficult...having said that it didn't kill me, so difficult is much better then death, which eventually smoking will cause.   How morbid huh?!  🙂  Fight the urges through these first few days. It is all encompassing, but after these days it gets easier. The cravings will come and go easier. You will find yourself not thinking about it all the time and while those good things are happening your body is also healing and happy.  Stay strong, fight the good battle!