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Share your quitting journey

Day 3

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Today was a good day. I thought it was going to be a lot tougher than it was. I don't know why I always hear that day 3 is the toughest. I am still really sick of these damn patches though. I am wondering if I can go on without putting on another patch. There weren't any intense cravings today at all. I was able to go outside and walk the dog without wanting to smoke. I have watched a show where many of the characters have smoked; didn't bother me. Maybe I'll give it another day or so before I ditch the patch. They're just so obnoxious. They also may be contributing to my insomnia. Went to bed at 11:30 or so last night and couldn't actually fall asleep until 1am. 

I think that part of my indecisiveness with wanting smoke and quit smoking comes from just my indecisiveness in general. I cannot make a decision about anything ever. Normally things come down to snap judgements. I am truly thankful for making this plan and sticking to it, even if it has only been three days. I do the same thing with my hair (can't decide if it like it long, short, purple, pink, brown). I'm always afraid I'm going to make the wrong decision. It's probably got something to do with anxiety or something. I don't know. 

For those wondering, I ended up making a 67 on my exam. Fortunately for me I can take it again. I went through and looked at what I got wrong and figured out why I missed them. I made 100% on the second try, so that's good. Thanks again for all of your words of encouragement. 

You are amazing, strong, and worthy of your decision to stay tobacco free.

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Hi Maeg I am so happy you are on day 3...I am one of those people, who found day 3 was tough, 3rd week, 3rd month...LOL...but here I am 673 days Free...Be sure to follow the instructions on your patches.  Also, insomnia can be a withdrawal symptom of quitting smoking.  Early Withdrawal Symptoms

Walking is a great thing to do especially when you quit smoking.  Sorry about the test, but glad you got a second chance.  Hang in there....Happy Tuesday ~ Colleen 673 DOF 


You might try taking the patch off at night - some folks find it does contribute to difficulties sleeping.  You can then put a fresh one on in the morning.  Are you putting it in places you don't perspire, like your upper, outer arm, or the top of your chest or the front of your thigh?  Have you tried using medical tape to help hold it in place?

If you decide to try doing without the patch, the first three days without nicotine will create physical withdrawals, then it's a couple of weeks of your body getting used to life without the drug.  You need to keep yourself extra busy those first days because your brain sensors will probably want to lure you back to smoking.  Have a plan, then go for it, if you want to try it.  What some folks have done is leave the patch off, then put one back on and give it time to build up in the system if you feel you need it rather than smoke.  Keep one with you for a bit and promise yourself  you will use it!

Whatever you decide - just don't smoke!!!


You are making great progress each day. Great blog. Congratulations on day 3. Nice attitude about your exam.


I wish I could help you about day 3 but I spent my day 3 in a medical induced coma on a ventilator Did I mention it was caused by smoking.  You're doing fine.    Take everything one day at a time and it will all work out 



Oh wow. I'm glad you made it through ok. This is a major reason I keep reminding myself that it is so worth it for me to quit before its too late.