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Share your quitting journey

Day 3...I can't do this.

1 23 380

Day 3...This sucks & once again...I can't do this.
The cigarettes are stronger than I am..
I am going to buy a pack of cigarettes...
I lost this battle again.



Did you get busy?  Did you change your mind's direction?  Play a computer game?  Call a friend?  Go for a walk?  Read blogs and responses here?  Take a shower?  Change around your furniture?  Clean out a drawer - or a closet - or your garage?

DOOO something - besides buy more cigarettes!!!



Has your reason(s) for wanting to stop smoking changed?  If not, then you would just have to redo Days 1-3 again (& maybe again).  You may/will never be "satisfied" as a smoker again either.  Why not just keep going smoke free?  You won't always feel the way you do now.    

It's willingness (not will power) and choice (yours!) that are keys to a successful quit.  Do you understand why you feel the way you do in the early days?  If not, read & educate yourself about nicotine addiction.  I found that for myself understanding the "why" and the time schedule for feeling the way I did made a huge difference for me when I quit.  Education IS power.  Best Wishes to you.   


Go for walk now.   It really helps you to refocus your thinking.   It's not easy, but you can do it.   



I hope my response is in time....but if not and you smoked..... throw the rest of that pack away and come and post on here.

Seriously, you want to quit smoking because EVERYONE wants to quit smoking. Think about that. People say they want to smoke...but they really mean they "need" to smoke....because they are an addict.

No one "wants" to:

Pay $7.00? $8.00? a pack for cigarettes (sorry if this has changed...I do not know what a pack of cigarettes costs any longer)

Smell and always worry about the smell

Have to plan and search for where and when they will be able to smoke---it's socially unacceptable in most places and illegal in others

Worry constantly that any cough, any twinge, any illness might be the beginnings of a smoking disease.

I don't know anyone who really is pleased with themselves that they have become a smoker....and I am sure you came here because you weren't either.

Please consider coming back and quitting again. We are all here for each other. 


Remember back to when you decided to quit. How you felt The reason you had Write the feeling down Write the reasons down.  

 Dig down dip and fight We all have the strength to Win 

 As mentioned above stay busy walk, deep breathes  It will get better.  You will never regret quitting and I'm sure you will regret smoking

 This Chart may help




Update, please?!!!


I'm assuming you came here and wrote that because you really, in that deepest Best part of you, want to be talked out of it.  We can try to talk you out of it, but ultimately you have to talk yourself out of it.  Saying you lost the battle before you lost the battle is talking yourself into failure.  Do you see that?  You're planning your relapse.    DID YOU PLAN YOUR RELAPSE?  Why?  Just because you're feeling uncomfortable?

Yeah, it sucks.  So?  Lots of things in life suck.  You have a broken leg and have to be a cast for 6 weeks - it sucks.  But you suck it up, right?  Maybe pretend you're in a cast.  Give it six weeks.  Then if you still want to smoke - allow yourself to.  I'll bet you won't, however.  Not after all the work you've put in.  Have to gone to the Relapse Prevention‌ and read through the material there?  Do.  It might help.

Smoking only makes us feel better because it relieves the desire to smoke.  Which then creates the desire to smoke.  Which then relieves the desire to smoke.  We CAN break the cycle.  Allow the discomfort.  It's not going to kill you.  But smoking actually will.  And ruin your quality of life.  

You haven't lost the battle if you haven't put a cigarette in your mouth.


You have gotten great advice, you KNOW people here care about you & we have all been where you are or we would not be where WE are.

l am so sorry that you are struggling, you don’t have to fight, you just have to accept that it will get better, IF you give it a chance.



STOP and please THINK what YOU are thinking about - SUCKING ON DEATH - please TURN around and GO bite into a lemon peel and all - then drink some water and SAY OUT LOUD - I don't smoke anymore - Smoking Is Not An Option for ME - then GO for a WALK - JUST DO IT Thank you


I think they bought a pack before they posted this, they haven’t responded to anyone’s comments, wasn’t willing to wait for anyone’s responses


No I did not buy that pack of cigarettes

Community Manager
Community Manager

2112miller wrote:

No I did not buy that pack of cigarettes



That’s great I’m proud of you!!!! Please don’t and let us keep talking you out of it!!


you can do this quitting takes multiple attempts 

try to even ween yourself off to prepare for a quit you made it 3 days so celebrate and set little goals, I saw that chart from Cousin-Itt‌ and they're right. to this day I am 3 plus weeks clean and I still crave but I take naps when im hungry or bored 


You can do this 2112miller.  It will get better soon....I promise.


GLAD you didn't buy that pack!

If you buy more juice for your device,  I suggest maybe you get one with 0  nicotine.  That way there isn't a chance you will forget, inhale, and awaken those brain sensors again!


Way to go - so glad you did not buy those cigarettes. Congrats on your quit!


Whew I'm so glad that you are sticking with your precious quit journey stay close because we're all here to help you in any way we can we are rooting you on.....


Really SOOO happy you did not go and smoke!  Now---one day (one minute? one second?) at a time. that's ho wthis gets done. Stick with us. We are here for you.


Gee but that makes all of us who tried to provide help here feel GREAT!  Now we just need to help you get off the e-cig you went and bought as a substitute.   Heading over to that blog now.


I am so glad that you made the right choice.  You can talk yourself out of something just like you can talk yourself into something. What narrative are you going to listen to.


I get it- quitting smoking is tough!  But it does get easier with time.  This quote helps me:  

“I’d rather be an ex-smoker who thinks about cigarettes once in awhile, than be a smoker who thinks about quitting all the time”. 


So glad you said that! I had to keep telling myself that it would get easier...over & over & over again. NOPE, Not One Puff Ever works! Congratulations!