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Day 29 and a little concerned....

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Hello all my fellow ex-smoker buddies!  Well it's been a couple of weeks since I've checked in.....I hope everyone is doing well.  I'm proud to marks day 29 for me!  Though it hasn't been sure has been worth it.  Well, I'm a little concerned about something.....and need to vent.  I still have not coughed up that nasty stuff in my lungs that everyone always talks about after they quit smoking.  So, I'm really not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing.......or maybe I"m just being paranoid.  I do realize that everybody is different and maybe it's just taking longer for me....but I thought for sure by now....I would have cleared all that crap out of my lungs. 


Hmm...that's weird, I am on day 22 and I haven't either. I wonder if we are supposed to. If you find out let me know. Congrats on your quit!!! 29 days is GREAT!!!! Stay strong! Annie


I've read that it doesn't happen to some people.  In some cases the lungs are cleared out at a slow enough pace that no coughs are produced.

I'm assuming that's what's up with me.  My lungs feel better, but no coughing for me either - I'm at 3 months!

Congrats on your upcoming month milestone! way to go!


Hey I smoked 36 years and have been quit 58 days and I have'nt either so I don't worry about it, don't hunt up something to worry about!! HA!!!

Thanks for your insightful blog



Yeah, people told me I'd be coughing up stuff, too but after 224 days smoke-free, it has never happened. No coughing at all, and I know my lungs are cleaning themselves, slowly. After 31 years, I'm sure there's plenty of cleaning to be done. Thank God I'm letting my body do it now - day by day. I wouldn't worry about it. (I would be much more concerned if I hawked up a blood clot like the blogger earlier this morning - that would totally freak me out. )

Maybe there's something out on WebMD about it? Congrats on 29 days - that's awesome!


just happend once sunday and once to day small cough, but i felt 100% better after hope this helps.

stay strong and smoke free jackie

P.S. considering we were coughing up lungs when we smoked.

cangrats on your 29th day     great job


im over 2 1/2 years and i never  coughed up anything sometimes it scares me like oh no maybe its so bad it wont come up but i have yet to see a doctor about it otherwise feeling really good about quitting......................I have been quit for 2 Years, 6 Months, 1 Day, 6 hours, 3 minutes and 34 seconds (916 days). I have saved $9,574.83 by not smoking 50,393 cigarettes. I have saved 5 Months, 3 Weeks, 23 hours and 25 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 8/21/2007 7:58 AM


just don't cough near an open flame


I am on day 100---no cough. I think everyone is different on this.


I'm a little over 7 weeks quit and I smoked for over 10 years. I've barley coughed up anything so far. I think it's a good thing. 


I was wondering the same thing... day 23 and I've yet to cough anything up. But hey, don't borrow trouble. Just be thankful that you are SMOKE FREE!