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Share your quitting journey

Day 225

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I haven't been on this site much in the past 6 months or so but, I do go on every few weeks and read blog posts and see how everyone is doing. I sometimes want to post but, it always seems that someone else has said exactly what I would say. But I am going to try and be more active at least to encourage the newbies who need all the support I can give.

I have been  on this non smoker journey for over 7 months and after the first two months I started to get into being a non smoker and just accepting it as my new existence and I was really happy to not be smoking the evil demon weed and then around 4 and half months or so, I started to crave a cigg really bad. I was trying to convince myself that I could smoke one or two and be okay with that. That is when the wisdom I learned from other smokers came in handy. I may have smoked if I hadn't known that was my addiction talking to me and not my rational mind. The addict wanted a cigg not, the regular person, C.Warde, she does not need nicotine and never did. I wouldn't have know that without the help of all the people who have come before me and for that, I am grateful.


I was reminded of what smoking eventually will lead to when I took a bus trip down to atlantic city, yesterday, for my birthday. On the ride back home, I had to sit next to a guy who was struggling to breath, at first, I was annoyed having to sit there and be disturbed by his rattling lungs which sounded like nails being shook in an old soup can then, the realization hit me, that could have been me if I continued to smoke. When we took a short break at a rest stop, of course he got out to smoke a cigg and when he returned he was hacking and hacking. It was torture to listen to him and I can't even imagine how horrible it was for him to experience it. I looked at him after he returned to his seat and he was clutching his pack of marlboros in his hand like they were his lifeline. I wished at that moment that he could see thru his addiction and realize he was kiling himself for a stupid weed. 

I am so happy and grateful to be a NON SMOKER and I owe it all to the encourgement and experience of all the good people on this site. Thank you! 🙂


Congratulations on 225 grand days of freedom!

And a big thank you for coming back to be yet another shining example for the newly quit.  It is so important to continue to show them how wonderful this freedom can be.

We could ALL be that poor man in time.  I am so glad I saw the light before I was THERE!


Quit 7/4/12


P.S.  I have noted your celebration on today's Freedom Train.  Be sure to hop on board to enjoy your accolades and the no-calorie goodies!


Colette, this is a timely post for me! I will be five months on the 6th and the addictive talk kicked in on Thursday and has been somewhat relentless! The fact that I know it is the addiction is the only thing keeping me from going to buy a pack right now! It's crazy to even entertain the idea but I am plagued my the idea that I could " just have a couple"! I am going to a concert tonight with my BFF who smokes and I just put together an emergency kit for my purse! If they check purses at the entrance, they will probably wonder what the he** I plan on doing with the lemon!

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one to  experience this! Thanks and congrats on 225!


If you also have a bottle of water in your purse, they will probably just think you are seriously obsessed about freshly squeezed lemonade! lol 🙂

And, thank you Nancy !


Congratulations! That's huge success! 


Congrats Colette! You quit 2 weeks before me! I have the addiction talking to me occasionally as well but with what we have learned and continue to learn here it gives us the strength and presence of mind to walk through it!

I went on the Vegas trip with fellow EXers...thought you might like to see our photo album...xo


Colette you are doing great!  Thanks for coming back and sharing your experience, it really does help to hear everyone's experience and journey.  I will remember your blog when I get to day 225 or any day for that matter when the urge kicks in.  Congrats! 

How was A.C.?


Thanks for sharing story and grats on  success of your quit. i saw A middle aged lady using an oxygen tank. Just more renforcment for me 

Renee 3 weeks


Colette - Great to see you! Congrats on your quit! (What a sad story about the guy on the bus.....) Take care! 


Wow.  That was a powerful story.  And I thought - how could you have made a difference in his life if you had suggested in some minor way the possibility of quiting.  How would I have tried to do that?  Would I have?  And then I thought, why not have cards made up, or just write on little slips of paper something like -  I used to smoke.  I know the cost.  You can be free.  visit www.BEX. or... whatever you might want to say that would be of help.   This made me think for MYSELF in terms of doing that.  Thanks for this post, Colette.  You said you don't often post because someone else has already said it.  May i suggest that  even a word on a blog where others have posted saying "echo," would be one more spur of encouragement that might make the difference.  We never know which or what or when our words are going to have an impact.  Don't be stingy with them.  So I say YES, be more active on here and pass on the wonderful wisdom you've gained through your experience. And thanks for this latest piece. 


Wow.  That was a powerful story.  And I thought - how could you have made a difference in his life if you had suggested in some minor way the possibility of quiting.  How would I have tried to do that?  Would I have?  And then I thought, why not have cards made up, or just write on little slips of paper something like -  I used to smoke.  I know the cost.  You can be free.  visit www.BEX. or... whatever you might want to say that would be of help.   This made me think for MYSELF in terms of doing that.  Thanks for this post, Colette.  You said you don't often post because someone else has already said it.  May i suggest that  even a word on a blog where others have posted saying "echo," would be one more spur of encouragement that might make the difference.  We never know which or what or when our words are going to have an impact.  Don't be stingy with them.  So I say YES, be more active on here and pass on the wonderful wisdom you've gained through your experience. And thanks for this latest piece. 


I have been thinking since yesterday if there is a way to give someone the message without being annoying about it. Certainly not on the bus where he would have been a captive audience and would have no way to escape the zealot ex, maybe I could have handed him a card or something on the way off the bus. It's something to think about, for sure. Thanks, for the kind words! N.O.P.E!!!!



Thank you for the powerful story, makes me hang onto my quit even more.