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Day 22 - Having weak moments but this website is a big help!

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I'm so glad I discovered this site!  After a few days nicotine free I had an "I've licked it" attitude, but I realize now after 3 weeks that I am still vulnerable and that the old addiction can grab me if I let it. I first started smoking in my late teens (like many of us) and have had several attempts at quitting - one lasting over 3 years. I am determined to make this the last attempt.  I keep remembering my Mother in her last days... she died of many complications - one of which was small cell carcenoma.  That's a fancy name for lung cancer.  The image of her is with me always.  Message to Mom:  Our smoking was pretty much the only thing we had in common.  I don't want to spend my last days the way you did. I don't want my son to have to change my diapers.  I know you would be proud of me, Mom.  I'm doing it!!


Not only your mom but all of us are so proud of you! There is much strength in numbers, and we are all helping each other stay true to our quits. You and everyone here have helped me be smoke free for almost 17 days. It has been very hard at times, but this site is my lifesaver when a craving hits!


Thank you so much Trish!  I will be here for you as well - you are doing it - keep goin!


I'm glad you found this site too! I am fifty days done and visiting here is what got me to this point. You will find lots of suggested readings on other posts and even though you have already quit,I think you will find it helpful to read them! Welcome and congrats on 3 weeks!


Congrats on 22 days! Your mom would indeed be so proud! And you should be so proud of yourself! If you haven't already - be sure to check out - and Carr's "Easy Way to Stop Smoking" -


That was a beautiful note to your mom! She certainly would be very proud of you. Congratulations on 22 days!


 i just wrote a blog simalar towards yours about my mother we have been through afew of the same things .but i want you to know that she is really  really proud of you . you can do this    and im proud of you to   erma in ohio.


Thanks so much to you all!


Welcome to this site- It has been working for me for over 50 days now. I too have seen the damage smoking has done to people close to me and I still did it for years-This is a powerful addiction . I have learned a lot here. Keep coming back!


Congrats on 22 days and for choosing freedom over addiction!  Keep posting and know that we are rooting for you!

Congrads on 22 days, I know that your mom is proud of You. And I know How it feel to lose your mother. I lost My mother the same way. And I know that I dont know you. But I'm proud of You and I'm here for You as Well.

Great work, i know its tough, i've been trying to quit on and off for the last year. i get up to about 2 weeks then i'm lighting up again. still trying though.

But awesome work on 22 days.


great work Laura!  i know how hard it is.  And you have to be vigilent all the time because that old ' oh, one won't hurt me" most defintly will!   Keep it up!


I slipped up today, half a cigarette with a filter on it.

I don't know why I did it, maybe I am coughing more,  , my throat is sore, my nose bled, I was over whelmed, good excuse isn't it????Not really. I just pray that no slip up happens again.


Iam a CIGAHOLIC< < am a ex cigaholic , no more slip up's.


I'm reading EASYWAY and loving it. everything this man is saying rings so true. Love how he says we're not "giving something up" or making this huge sacrifice. The only thing we're giving up is our smoker curse and the illusion that sick-arettes fill some kind of hole. I'm looking forward to filling it with something REAL!!!  

Anywho, I'll get off my soap box here lol Everyone's been telling me "just hang out with us on the site". It's been helping me in my weak moments too. 


That is what we call "quit-itude!!!!  Good for you!!!  You KNOW that we are all just one puff away from full blown addiction!!!  I blew a 20+ YEAR quit with "just one."  

Stay vigilant.  This is about the time we tend to relax our guard and let  our mind wander into the addiction mine field!!  Don't entertain even a hint of a smoking thought!  Keep your eyes on the prize and embrace this journey of FREEdom!!!

You are one smart gal for coming here and using the awesome support that these great people offer every single day.....  You are an asset to this community, I can just tell!! 🙂

Welcome......and yes, your mom would be very proud, and I bet your son is too!!!


I thought the battle was over, my gosh this past week I had two full days of  "I want to smoke."  It was a real battle.Today I was so close....... I read your post and it helped so much. All the comments are helpful and I know I can make it till tomorrow. You will too and thank you for your post and all the commenters. Thank you all for being here.



I know what its like to feel being inNML and getting an urge that stresses you until you find that trigger releaser and use it to your full benefit. My mother dies of lung cancer too even thoug she had quit cold turkeu 6 years before andnever had another cig. Miss her all the time,she was agreat lady and a good community servent. My nephew still smokes,but he has to chose that he wants to quit,my nagging willmake it worse. I pray for him al the time that he will quit andreplace it with something else. Hang tough folks and reach for somethingother tha a sickorette. Love you Lynne


I know what its like to feel being inNML and getting an urge that stresses you until you find that trigger releaser and use it to your full benefit. My mother dies of lung cancer too even thoug she had quit cold turkeu 6 years before andnever had another cig. Miss her all the time,she was agreat lady and a good community servent. My nephew still smokes,but he has to chose that he wants to quit,my nagging willmake it worse. I pray for him al the time that he will quit andreplace it with something else. Hang tough folks and reach for somethingother tha a sickorette. Love you Lynne


Congrats to you all of you on working to beat this thing. Your words are inspiring and give me great hope and courage that I can join your ranks. You are all warriors in my eyes and I commend each and everyone of you for your dilligence and courage. I have set my date for April 4, 2013. 2 weeks before my birthday. 16 years smoking come this summer. This will be my fourth attempt. Wish me luck! God Bless to each of you!


And you are doing it!  Stand strong!  Fight through - say no!!!




Congrats on Day 22!!!!!

Definitely read Allen Carr's book Easy Way to Quit Smoking... I saw someone already posted a link to it for you!  It helped me and I quit last June.  You can do this!!!


You give me strength. Thank you for being you.  Great work at being a non smoker. 


Thank you for sharing your story with us. I am just so glad that you found this site too.  I know that your Mom would be proud of you too.  My Dad died when i was only 8 years old and i know that he would be proud of me for quitting because its something he couldn't do himself at the time.  


This is my 3rd or 4th try since Feb. 2010 so lots of people have given up on me. This website doesn't give up on you. They suggest using NRT, and I've tried patches and gum but none have been as great as cold turkey. The nic is out of your system in 3 days and you're on your own. I'm using Blow Pops and tootsie Roll Pops for my after dinner cig. That's the one I smoked with my husband. He's still smoking.

Stay in the day and I hope this is my FOREVER QUIT. I feel it coming on !! Keep up the good work and thank you for your comment on one of my blogs.

Love ya, Candy


I am new to this site and I am proud of you!!!!!



You all inspire me. My target date is coming up and after taking 25 years to establish my smoking habit, I am confident that while reading these that with support, determination and all tools available, it can be done. 

Keep it up all 🙂


I've just returned after many years of "slipping up."  I have a quit date and have begun to work with my triggers.  Thank you for posting this lovely message.  I think it helps to tell people how you are feeling.  You've conquered triggers for 22 days!  My mom died of lung cancer as well and her last days were very difficult.  So, Mom - Here's to you and all you were to me.   I hope to honor your memory in a way that will make you proud.  19 days till I quit.  Nice to be a member of the community again.  I'll echo what others have said.  This is a great website!