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Share your quitting journey

Day 21

3 11 111

On day 1, an ex-smoker from my office told me that if I could get through the first two weeks, I could get through anything. He was right to tell me that those two were the worst. 

The third week seems to have a different nature though, at least for me. There have been good days and bad. I keep thinking about what TW517‌ said, that he is a numbers man, and that the unpredictability of the quit can be maddening. Although I have yet to enter no mans land, I really relate to that sentiment. 

This week has brought an end (or maybe a temporary pause) to my morning coughs, but brought on confusing sinus pressure and an odd amount of sneezing. It's sort of mimicking a cold, although I think my respiratory system is just doing a self cleanse. Has anyone else experienced this? 

I have so much envy for one of my office quit buddies, who is on day 105 and breezing along at this point in his quit. I can't wait to get to that point. 

11 Comentarios

Sneezing?  You might just be getting a cold??

You will get to 105 days, one day at a time.

You are DOING this!  Good for you!!!



Thanks, Nancy!

I don't think it's a cold but I could be wrong. 


Might be allergies...mine have been going crazy, particularly in the mornings.  I sound like I have a really bad cold but after I am up and moving around, it gets better.  

I so wish we could give you numbers but we are all a little different, I hope you read JonesCarpeDiem‌'s page /blogs/jonescarp.aka.dale.Jan_2007-blog/2011/06/26/what-to-expect-in-the-first-four-months   I read that over and over again.  It's one day at a time, Dani, no one can make it go faster and the only way out is through...we are here for you.  You will get to 105 days and then you will keep on going!



Thanks, Ellen  that is a fantastic article. I also liked Dale's article about no mans land. 


Congrats on your quit. You are doing great. Keep stacking the days the further you get from that last cigarette the closer you get to the prize-your freedom.Learn How to Quit Smoking (and Make it Stick) 


Congratulations on your day 21! That is an amazing accomplishment and you should feel very proud. Keep logging into this site daily and watch your number just skyrocket!!  There is plenty of support and love here... I know you can rock this quit!!

Jo 31 DOF


You are doing awesome Dani! Keep rockin'!


Dani_2017  I got a LOT of information and support from Dale's page and I really DID keep going back there and re-reading things. He has LOTS of experience dealing with newbies and not so newbies.  You are really doing great, you are asking questions and going forward and you are NOT smoking!


Thank you, Jo!  


Thanks, Dian! How are you doing? 


I'm alright. Haven't smoked over a couple of stressors I had today, so still a "former smoker".   

I feel more confident now that I know what to expect when I decrease my nicotine dose. Remembering that our addiction will play games with us is pretty important too, ya know?