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Share your quitting journey

Day 21 - A whole new level of craving!!! Lol.

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I have not been on but that is because I have been meditating and trying to enjoy my non smoking life.  (well get used to it....while telling myself I am enjoying it)  If  you tell yourself something repeatedly it will become true.  Psych.  I am enjoying it.  I don't have to worry about running out overnight.  I don't have to worry whether I have to get money out to make sure I have them.  I am breathing better and feeling more alive.  For this I am thankful.  Now I have quit cold turkey many times in the past with each of my six pregnancies.  Last night, however (not pregnant FYI), I encountered a whole new level of crazy craving.  I am down to like 2 cravings a day and they are more like "time of day" cigarettes.  Once in the evening and once late at night.  They were my two "aaaahhhh I am finally alone now" and my "aaahhhh everyone is finally asleep and it's quiet now" cigarettes.  I basically push through the craving like it is nothing.  Then last night, I dream that I am sneaking behind people's back smoking and that I keep telling everyone I am just going to smoke one.  Don't overreact.  I did not wake up craving cigarettes.  Quite the opposite.  I was furious with the "me" from the dream.  I have never in ALL 6 of my previous quits during pregnancy had this dream state craving.  Is this normal????  Anyone???

8 Comentarios

Very, ery common!

It's a sign that you're serious about your quit!



Yes it was for me.  I had dreams about smoking or smokemares seems a better word. I didn't have one until I had been quit 60+ days but it was a doozie. A lot of people have the dreams and when and how they come beats me.

When I first came to EX I always posted "I am a non smoker" and after awhile it became true.  Keep moving forward and stay connected to EX.


Been there.  Done that.  One was so real that when I woke up I wasn't sure I was only dreaming that I quit.  I didn't know which world was the real one or if I had or hadn't quit.



I've had some pretty scary dreams I started smoking again. Made me very upset.  Completely normal 🙂


you know when and why you still have those time of day cravings. That's a great realization.

dreams don't mean much unless you're a songwriter.


I think most of us have had smokemares.  Early in my quit, I wouldn't actually light one ---- just had one in my hand ready, and stoppped myself.  I was so proud of the fact that I maintained my commitment, even in my dreams!!  T/HEN - about two years in, I had one where I was sitting in a lovely garden, and lit a cigarette, smoked it, and enjoyed EVERY puff.  Go figure!!!

I'm not smoking over any of them!!



I still have smokemares quite frequently.  I think it is all a part of the letting go process.  Isn't it a great relief when you realize it was only dream?  CP 147 DOF


Thank you all for the responses.  Now at least I do not feel like some kind of smoking freak of nature.  I was only wondering because I quit six times and NEVER experienced this before but maybe it is because I always knew the probabililty of my starting again and this time there is no chance of that happening.  Thanks to all of you who commented and put my mind at ease.  I appreciate your time and support.  Enjoy your day!!!  Namaste and Godspeed!!!