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Share your quitting journey


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So day 20 and I admit I totally struggled today, it seems that I thought more of smoking and feeling weak, but I made it through - I remembered NOPE, I took deep breaths but it was so challenging.  I found myself being super hard on myself and frustrated saying - HEY IT's day 20 what is wrong here?  

But I am sure it was just a typical day for a quit at this time and most of all - I WON.  I didn't smoke, I didn't buy into the temptation, and I came here to gain some insight and strength.

Proud of hitting my 20th day today, proud of going into my 3rd week of smoke free, but would like some advice and hints for the days ahead - I even have been using the rubber band idea to keep my hands busy - 

Thank you fellow EX'ers - I appreciate any support you give.  Peace

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You need to remember what got you this far.  Perhaps you are not using your crave busters like you did in the early days?  Remember, the more time you allow smoking thoughts to remain in your head, the more traction they gather, so distract, distract, distract!   Take a brisk walk if you can, bite into a lemon (yes, rind and all), march in place, sip from a cold water bottle --- but DISTRACT.

Most folks find it gets easier after 2-3 weeks - so you are almost THERE.

Stay strong!  You ARE doing this.


Quit 7/4/12


Good job!  You're getting close to a phase we call No Man's Land, and that may be some of what you're feeling. If you haven't heard of this yet, use this link to read the blog on Dale's page.

You can read more on Dale's page and on mine. I post a blog about NML every Wednesday afternoon. 

Congrats on 20 days, what you're feeling is normal and you're doing great!! 


The WONDERFUL thing is that making through a day this challenging has made you so much stronger...Let's face it...we don't do our greatest growth mentally, spiritually, emotionally or physically when it's EASY....when we work for it and embrace it and do whatever it takes for whatever it is...that is when we really grow in every was your huge success day because you said NO to the addiction and YES to life itself...xo


Thank you both - I so appreciate it and will continue to follow through 🙂  I am so happy when I breath in (versus wheeze a breath in LOL) you guys rock!


Icandothis--I'm not much farther ahead of you. You made it today, you didn't smoke! You're Rocking this! 

Nancy is right and remember what got you this far. I am proud of you! I used the rubber band trick a few times also...I used it once before in life when I was romanticising a loser boyfriend! It worked for me! 

I have to say that there are challenging times, but you are over the hardest part of the first month...Now I need to get prepared for NML...Stay with me and Let's do this!!



Every "tough" day you make it through builds your strength. The next time you get a craving, remind yourself that you got through Feb 21st, so you can do it again.

I wish I could tell you that you won't get a worse craving another day, but you might have one.

What I can tell you is that no craving will last forever.

I smoked for over 20 years, I made several attempts where I "tried" to quit. 6 days was as far as I ever got. My last cigarette was Oct 22nd 2012. What was different this time, I threw away all my ashtrays, lighters, and anything else I associated with smoking. No one is allowed to smoke in my house, car, or yard.

I also bought a 2011 vehicle because I was saving 225 dollars a month by quitting so the payment actually cost me much less since I had added available funds. I also made a list of all the benefits of quitting. The only bad thing that happened as a result of quitting was I gained about 20 lbs, but I've read that it comes off after about 6 months.

Just remember, the only way you can smoke a cigarette is by putting one in your hand, so don't touch one and you can't smoke it. You can do this.


Joyeuxencore - YOU are amazing I am so very happy to have met you via this site - you make sense and give me strength 🙂  I CAN DO THIS 🙂  


I am so happy for this site - thank you tireduvsmoke & KIM 🙂  I so appreciate your words, and even moreso feel the strength coming from you all!  This is truly what I needed to get when I wrote this blog - and I am so grateful for the posts you are all sharing with me!  So truly blessed!


Thank you for this post.  I'm only about a week ahead of you and I too had a very hard day.

today was very-stressful for me and the only thought that was in my head was   " a cigarette would make  me feel so much better".  I kept saying "STOP ! IT WON'T make me better". I won this one, no cigarettes for me today...

This was a very helpful post.


WE CAN DO THIS, and kick this demon to the curb. 


Congratulations on day 20! Be very proud, you deserve this.