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Share your quitting journey

Day #16 WooHoo!!!

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It's amazing how much easier it seems to be with each passing day.  I'm so proud of the fact that I have stuck with it.  My 6yr old daughter told me last night that she is sooo happy that her mommy doesn't smoke  anymore, my heart swelled & I almost cried.  The cravings have finally subsided, I actually was able to stand outside & have a conversation with a friend who still smokes & not really want one. That was weird! (but in a good way)  Stress is still difficult but manageable.  My husband is also still smoking & he was no help or support until I had a conversation with his Mom... Let's just say she set him straight... Ha Ha Ha .  I have also found that the more I say or tell other people "I quit smoking" more people seem to want to have a conversation with me. Sometimes it's about how hard it is to give up an addiction or how they sympathize with someone who is truly making the effort to change their lives for the better. The conversation seems to always end with a positive note, so I'm left patting myself on the back.  I believe there are angels among us, they seem to show up when we need a boost. These strangers & conversations truly do help. I have 4 kids & a husband who can be a pain  when he chooses to be. So stress  was a major obstacle for me, however I'm still staying strong, & everyones support has helped me in so many ways. I just want to remember to say THANK YOU! 

To all those who are trying, DO NOT GIVE UP, IT IS WORTH THE FIGHT.

5 Comentarios

16 Days - Woohoo indeed!!!!!


THANKS. Keep up mthe great work and your husband will so follow.  It day 3 for me. May God bless us all.


Congrats!  You deserve many pats and we are glad you are here with us, to share, to support and to be friends.  Stay with us.


GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 DAYS for me. Keep up the great work.




Congratulations! 6 days for me. I'm feeling less anxious. I'm really focusing on my reasons for quiting. I can't stop smelling my hands & hair! I even tell my 14 y/o son to smell my hair as he hugs me goodnight. Silly, but I do whatever it takes! Previously, I thought if I don't talk about quitting, I won't be thinking about it. Well, I've found that talking & writing about it has made it easier, as I feel stronger & prouder! Keep going. Thanks for the inspiration!