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Share your quitting journey

Day 153.... Happy Summer to all of us !

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I changed my profile pic to my little Jonah. His Birthday was this past week he turned 9 years old on the 7th of July ! It seems such a short time ago that he and Lily were just pups..... Time does go by so fast sometimes way to fast ! In doggy years Jonah and Lily are already 63 years old by next year they will have surpassed my age I think it is so sad that dogs lives are so short . I read that little dogs have a longer life span I sure hope so !

I was thinking about  the blog that Jonescarp; aka Dale posted about emotions today  . I tend to get  tunnel vision when I am angry especially since I quit smoking . I really need to learn to look at the big picture even when I am mad !

Is it really worth throwing away my quit over some stupid angry moment ? Of coarse not !  I guess this really is why it is so important not to keep them around after quitting . It makes it that much easier to fail in a weak moment .

Cool off and Look at the big Picture !

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I am glad you have grown to understand anger and how it can affect your quit,.  I lost a quit due to anger once and vowed it would never happen again.  I no longer allow myself to get so angry that I will smoke.  People that may upset me, I have a tendency to stay away from or not get into conversations that will cause a disagreement. .  If a situation is going to cause me anger or an argument I walk away.  I have learned so much about anger.  Smoking caused me to have poor anger management.  I think I have it under control.  So far so good.  Almost six months and I have dealt with it.  I is part of the process to let go of anger.  Glad youi made it to the starting line. I am so proud of you. Do what is necessary to save your quit.


Hi Bonnie I like your pic of little Jonah. He is so cute!!  Yep cool off and protect your quit!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!



Wonderful blog my Bonnie B, you are rocking your forever quit. I battle with emotions still when it comes to my quit, I imagine that we do but you are so right cool off because it's definitely not worth losing a beautiful quit and it's best not to have any cigarettes around especially in the beginning of a quit.  Congratulations on 153 precious DOF and counting WTG.



I absolutely love your new profile pic, he looks like he likes to snuggle. 


Hi Bonnie.  You are only at day 153, Congrats but I think as time goes on you will find your emotions evening out.  It is by going through the extreme emotions of our quits that we grow.  At day 635 I find that I am less angry, less sad.  I feel wonderful emotionally and you will too.  Give it time.  Have a lovely Sunday!


I have had to learn to stay away from all drama as much as I can. Not only where smoking is concerned but for my mental health in general. It is still baby steps but getting better.

I was just thinking last night how sad it is that our little 4 legged fur-babies leave us so quickly. It would be even sadder if  we left our cats behind. They are so settled at 8 yrs. old and would have a hard adjustment anywhere they went.

I too think you have a wonderful quit going on. In AA they tell you not to make any decisions for at least 1 year because of emotions getting in the way.



I am sorry to say that I have lost more than one quit to anger and that makes me sick (in more than one way).  I hope your little canine buddies live very long lives...that is an adorable and heartwarming picture.


You can always yell into or punch a pillow!  Or go for a walk.......Or count to ten while taking slow, deep breaths.  Nonsmokers get angry, too.  Maybe think about what THEY do when they're angry --- or ask a few!



Could smoke like a train when mad . LoL , but I don't get so angry like I used to. I found that the reason I was angry was because someone wasn't living up to my expectations ....I don't know who the hell I think I am !   So I try , ​to not  Have expectations and except things and people as they are . I'm happier that way , but as we all know old habits are sometimes hard to break . 


I can related to well about the anger.

Acerca del autor
I am the Mother of 4 children , a Grandmother and Great Grandmother . I am a retired LNA /CNA and I live in South Western New Hampshire . I am a native of Martha's Vineyard Island . My room mate Karen and I have 6 pets : Two dogs Lily and Jonah, one cat Olivia, two bunnies Lila and Emma and one guinea pig Allie . I enjoy reading ,knitting, walking, especially in the woods, at the river or the beach I also like taking photographs with my camera . I miss my family and my Island .