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Day 14 - This and That

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It is true what all of y'all have been saying about cravings. Did get one or two last night.  It does take only 3 minutes to get through it. I literally looked at the clock and timed it.  Just let it come and go. . . So, three minutes is not that long and not that bad.  About the time it takes for me to brush my teeth (still bloody, lol) or about how long it takes to brew a cup of green tea (yum).  Another 'tid bit" - noticed a women in her car yesterday, puffing away - she looked terrible with it hanging out of her mouth.  Thought to myself, that is how I looked.  Never looked in the mirror while I was smoking to see how stupid I looked.  It was an eye-opener.  For all of you, that are working towards your QUIT date, I encourage you to smoke in front of a mirror to see what you look like.  Just a suggestion. . . .


Ha! Nice blog. I look at people smoking now too.

This lady yesterday in this big ole white escalade SUV at a red light, smokin' away. She caught me looking at her and rolled her eyes.

In hindsight, I bet she thought I was checkin' her out.



great way to look at the cravings! And as time goes by that time will grow shorter 🙂


years ago my boyfriend (at that time)'s friend sat across a table from me in a bar and imitated me smoking. He did the big sucked-in cheeks thing, and I told him to cut it out - told him it looked stupid, and that I didn't smoke like that. He said "don't think so? watch yourself smoke in the mirror some day" sumbitch was right, boy did I look stupid - think that made me quit? Hell no....kept on for another 15 years, yuck!


I like it when they squint their eyes too...EEEEWWWW...:O


I was at an appointment the other day and this older man came in the waiting room...Man did he smell like stale cigs it actually smelt gross to me., stunk up the whole room. I never noticed myself stinking like that  or looking stupid. Interesting.


Oh my gosh, two weeks!! You're doing great! That was the point where I REALLY started to notice how much better I felt physically. You have all those little benefits right away, but it was in my third week that I truly felt this deeper sense of wellness. Congratulations!!


Congratulations on 14 days!  Gives me hope at 5 days without a smoke...I never did look at myself in the mirror smoking, but I bet it would look soo stupid now that I think about it.  I am soo glad to be on this journey to freedom!  Thanks for the blog it was an eye opener!


Thank you everyone, better to be slap happy and smoke free, than be stupid and smelly!!!!

Your right it does look stupid. Damn all these years and I never watched myself smoke. Thanks for the eye opener