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Share your quitting journey

Day 12 - 2 days till the 1st fortnight!

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Smoke-free for 12 whole days... this feels incredible!

I'm slowly recovering from the sore throat and body pains that have plagued me the last few days and thanks to everyone who sent kind messages - feels so good that people really do care. Apologies for not keeping up with everyone's blogs, but I feel like I chose my friends here *really* well, and I have a feeling that I won't be reading any relapse stories from any of you - you know who you are and you are all rock-stars!

One point I'd like to remind everyone to celebrate is FREEDOM.

I remember how hard it seemed just 30 days ago to imagine going through a day without having a smoke. I was petrified. I thought "Gosh, I know I've done this before, but this time seems so much harder". The secrecy of being a closet smoker, the guilt of knowing what I was doing to my body and the feeling of failure each time I said "This time I'll quit for sure"... I'm sure a lot of smokers have been there. You constantly check your fingers for that tell-tale smell, you wonder if other people can smell it and what it makes them think of you and you even get to the point sometimes where you stop telling people that you are quitting, simply because you don't want those knowing looks "Oh, yeah... sure... you're qutting. Again."

Well, no more!

Now I don't give how I smell a second thought. The only thing I feel guilty about is not having come back to this site sooner, and that guilt is just "silly" guilt, not the serious kind that could lead you to depression. I got over this bout of flu in record time. But most of all, I never, EVER think "Gosh, I've got to do A, B and C, and then I can smoke again... and then D, and then a smoke". I never EVER get angry with my family for interrupting my schedule and depriving me of a secret smoke. I never EVER look at my bank account and go "Sheesh, where did all my money go?" 

Even at the times when I have been tempted - I just say NOPE! out loud - I shout it if I have to - and remind myself that this is the best decision I have ever made. I remind myself that I am breaking one of the hardest habits to break and I'm succeeding... and I remind myself that there are actually people who care about me and enjoy watching me succeed. I enjoy watching all of you succeed - it doesn't matter whether this is your 1st quit or your 50th - as long as it is your last!!



What a refreshing blog to read to start my day! I am so glad your feeling better and getting over that cold! You are doing it Sarai and i am proud of you! Have a blessed smokefree day! 


I'm glad you recovered quickly from your bout of flu! Have a beautiful smoke free weekend Sarai! 🙂


Excellent blog post. I especially like how you are counting the blessings of not smoking, bank account, time on your hands, better health. Keeping counting the positives!


Awww freedom!

A favorite topic of mine and just about anyone who has felt the glorious freedom that comes with losing an addiction. So many look back to those smoking days fondly at first. I'm glad you see things for what they are. There's nothing for us in that past life of smoking and yet there's so much more in our new futures of freedom! 

Wonderful blog post. Thanks for sharing.



Awesome sweetie! Every day is truly a gift....xo


Congratulations on 12 days!  Go YOU!  Great blog post, I could relate to so much of what you said!  Counting my blessings like you:)  Glad you are feeling better!