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Share your quitting journey

Day 11: Continues

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Today quite honestly has been one of the hardest since last Saturday. For one it is the day before Friday which is normally the day before a weekend of relaxed smoking, which means a lot of smoking usually joined with some drinking. Secondly the tactic used against me today was that I really WANTED to smoke today. I really wanted to have that cigarette that it was going to be good. I know all the Easyway tactics and I have read the book and understand the concept and all that, but you know sometimes it just feels like a cocktail and a smoke sounds awesome (And sorry, the Easyway helps and makes sense, but it's just not that simple sometimes). Third I started thinking about nicer weather here and man, just about my favorite thing to do is work outside, drink some cheep light beer, and have some smokes. Again, I understand the Easyway, and again I believe the concepts, but again, sometimes it is just not that simple. Sorry, sometimes it just isn't. I can make it, I know that, but it's just tough sometimes. When I start thinking of the times I enjoyed a smoke is when I get down and depressed that I can't ever have one again. I can't ever go back there and I know that but man sometimes that just kinda makes me a little depressed. But how silly is it that I am down about not being able to do something that kills me? That's ridiculous! That's absurd! That annoys me a lot! I want this to be over, I want this to be done, I want to stop wanting something that is trying to kill me. I want to stop wanting something that destroys me. Dammit!

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It might help if you don't think about forever right now.

Sometimes, we have to quit, one day, one hour or one minute at a time.

Think about forever, later on when you are stronger in your quit.  At eleven days, think about what you have noticed that is helpful to you.

Are you smelling and tasting better these days?  Are you enjoying, taking a nice big breath and NOT coughing?

Be content with the progress you have already made.  Keep striving...


Really! You want this all to be over this QUICK after just 11 days...sorry, but you make me feel sad.... you make me feel like no matter what I say or anyone else says, that you actually think SMOKING a flammable substance  is justified somehow...DEPRESSED OR NOT, give it up and get better....look to DAY 12 and continue to freedom from this sickening, disgusting,stinkinking, disease-filling addiction....why? Because you can.


It's ONLY what you and everyone else has said that has helped me thus far. and regardless of how I feel or what is going through my head about what is right and what is wrong, what is justified and what isn't, I was blogging my struggle not my defeat. I haven't been defeated, I haven't lost. I have been beat down but I haven't lost. I won't lose, but the battle is ugly whether I want it to be or not and that is what I was talking about. Saying the Easyway does not make the ugliness of the battle go away. The battle is tough regardless. That was my point. I know it's not going to be easy and over after 11 days, but that doesn't mean my battle is still raging and hurting. But at least I am still fighting yeah? I still need everyone's encouragement cause its gotten me this far.


img alt="" src="" />BELIEVE...give it more time...I know you wont lose...!...WTG... 


I'm with you ALL THE WAY!!!....YOU GOT THIS!   xoxo ❤️


you can do it. Stay the course. You are 11 days smoke free. Keep on trying for one more day and then another. Before you know it you will be a year smoke free and then 5 years and then 10. Hang in there.


You have mail too,


Thanks everyone for the encouragement!