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Share your quitting journey

Day 1 and I Messed Up

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So I messed up already. And I didn't have a cigarette.. I had six in a row! WTH??  I went onto facebook and saw a more politcal stuff that has been driving me nuts. And then I called my X.. who is no longer part of my quit support, lol, who sold me a half a pack of cigarettes for 10 dollars.  Ugh.

   How did I not realize this would be a HUGE trigger. IT ALWAYS stressed me out, but maybe since it's a new thing, this Presidency,is why I didn't do a mini quit with this, or find coping skills.

   I am going to use the ACE Model with this... AVOID, COPE and ESCAPE... I will just avoid FACEBOOK.. I will hang out here... I erased it from my phone, the app, and I told everyone on FB to just message me because I was going to be gone from there for at least a month. If I can't avoid the political stuff somehow I will try to cope with it with Deep Breathing?  If that doesn't work, I will just walk out.  I will escape.

At least I know it's a HUGE trigger now and what to do.  I was doing so good. I wasn't sad like usual, I wasn't really feeling like not being a smoker anymore was going to suck. I still don't. I can still do this. Just a rocky start.  I ran the rest of the half pack under the sink and and got rid of them .  #slips

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This is what I call a "false start".  Stay away from Facebook if that is a trigger.  Get rid of your cigarettes, lighters, ash trays, butts, and anything else that an Ex-smoker no longer needs and let Monday, February 13, 2017 be your quit date!  


We already know from past mistakes, we just can't have one either. It always leads to more. Keep saying N.O.P.E (Not one puff ever)


thanks for your advice... so if I don't smoke anymore ever today is not my quit date?


As soon as you don't smoke, that is your quit date.


The main thing is to start! N.O.P.E.!

You want your Life back - so take it!

It's time to Quit1


Thanks NOT ONE PUFF EVER.... I will just say NOPE every craving.. !


Also S.I.N.A.O (smoking is not an option)


You can do this quit one day at a time or one hour, one minute or even one second at a time but as long as you keep moving forward and stacking up those precious smoke free days and live by N.O.P.E then you will have a life of Freedom! 


For me it was , I don't do that anymore . You really want to quit smoking ? Then commit to it fully , if you have a thought to smoke , you say to yourself , yeah , but I don't do that anymore , and you , get a cool glass of water, go for a walk , suck on a cinnamon candy . Whatever it takes , the thought won't last unless you dwell on it .

And avoid your triggers . You can do it !!!!


Thanks Everyone, I think I'm back on track.  Im really glad Im quitting.. before, in past attempts, that wasn't even there. I was scared, unsure of my quit.  I'm more confident this time around. I have it all written out, my triggers and what to do about my urges.  What substitutions and distractions to use...  I am going to quit... after 30 years of smoking I am really FINALLY going to quit.


That's the attitude! You have done your homework to. Keep believing in yourself like we believe in you!


Yay, yay and yay again, you will be successful in this your precious quit!


I am so sorry the this happened.  I truly apologize for seeing the humor in your slip.  I do  advice you to keep a journal.  You may come up with a best seller.  Suggested title. "How I quit when everything around me was falling apart." I did not see how long you have been using this site.  Shake off.  Get up and start over NOW.  See you later. I will be following you. 


I looked back at your previous blogs. I do see where I gave you some information to study.  It is very important that you educate your self about nicotine addiction.  Education is the key to a successful quit. 


Re-coup and try again ! Read and learn about addiction you can do this ! Life is more then politics let it go for now...... You have no control over anyone else but you can have control over yourself and your quit .Concentrate on You right now .saying snoopy and a blessing.jpg




Were you still stressed out about the precidency after you had those six cigarettes? If the answer is yes, then you clearly don't need a cigarette to go with your stress.

I'm not even a week in, but my mind is so made up about not needing a cigarette, that even a glass of wine, stress with my partner, work, boredom or whatever else are triggers might get me to think "oh, a cigarette would go with that" but then I actually say out loud "I'm a non smoker! I don't need that anymore! Yippie!" Positive thinking is a great tool to turn cravings into a positive and durable feeling.


You are right on ! Positive thinking is the key to unlock the door that leads to success !!!

                                                 You got this !


Wow. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was using husband as example. Sometimes I don't always say what I mean. If u don't want me to help u that's fine, I understand but I still will be cheering u on in the background.

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device


ShawnP‌ Am I missing something?  This post was three months ago and I don't see anything that you said that was offensive.  You do a GREAT job supporting people on this site and I, for one, among MANY, am very, very grateful that you are here.



Acerca del autor
I'm a 45 year old Mom to an 8 year old little girl. I have been diagnosed with COPD for almost 2 years now and I'm ready to quit. My quit date is in less than 2 weeks, on February 11, 2017.