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Dearest Friends

SO SORRY  to take more time and shout out again same day.  End of my rope.  Doing all I can right now not to go buy a pack. Alone in my bedroom typing like a madwoman to keep myself from unraveling all the good I have done in 12 days.  I am writing in part to pass the time so that I don't go get in the car.

First, every single solitary word on my earlier blog re: lethargy meant the world to me.  Each comment filled with wisdom and hope.  I cannot say thank you enough.

I was so relieved and just about to sit down and have a healthy lunch when the majority of the comments arrived.  Then, an old headache popped in and all went to hell.

This isn't lethargy.  New hurdle - feel abandoned, alone, beat down.  Miss those cigs for first time in days damnit.  I had just gotten to a few days of freedom from those cravings and now, feel like my insides have been ripped out and the carpet whipped out from under me too.

Haven't eaten since 7:30am.  Reader's Digest - just remodeled our house for over 12 months, next door someone moves in and asks us to chop down very mature tree in our yard.  His rationale is silly - won't bother you with it.  Started out with peaceful negotiations.  Now deteriorated to where we had to get attorney to protect us.  The man is sending very disrespectful emails against me and my husband's  character (mostly mine) and threatening my family. My husband and I see this very differently.  My husband wants to "take the high road" and just do what the neighbor wants and cut the tree down at our cost even though it will harm our property value and there is no reason to remove the tree, and he really doesn't stand up for me when this man writes things blasting my character.  I have been working to find a solution to keep the tree but also would like to tell the neighbor that we do not appreciate his treatment of us.  We are 36 inches from a solution (literally) and it all revolves around safety  to ensure the tree doesn't destabilize.  We found out today that neighbor is lying to us about having spoken to an expert.  I called the expert and it isn't true. My husband wants to just let that go. Won't call him out on it which I feel makes us look like idiots.  The neighbor is working on his landscape starting today and the actions he is potentially taking mean the tree will destabilize and fall over.  He's boxed us into a corner, in a rush, and there is nothing we can do to stop him.  Three feet he won't budge, to kill a tree on our property.  It is so sad.  The law is on our side but of course we don't want anyone hurt regardless of our rights under the law.  So if this guy makes the tree unsteady, we will have to remove at our cost, inc. devaluation of our property.  My husband will not sue even though the law is on our side.  A few weeks ago when this was boiling up my trainer said "would you rather be right or be happy?"  That made sense then.  Here's the difference tonight.

I told my husband before my quit that I needed some slack during my quit. I had him read about all the side effects, etc.  The first week of my quit he was so happy to be rid of that smell and breath on me it was like a new honeymoon. Lately, he has been short w/ me cuz he is under stress at work.  Today I spent the afternoon scrambling to get a tree expert out here tomorrow morning to advise, since the neighbor started demo'ing his yard today without warning.  I also worked to craft a response to his scathing email so that we can get to a resolution as quickly as possible.  Basically, the guy led us on and didn't speak to the expert and then just started the landscape that could harm the tree with no warning.  In other words, he led us on, delayed, then boxed us into a corner.  That doesn't feel very good when we have been working so hard to make our house into a new, fun, exciting, enjoyable relaxing home.  I have spent over 2.5 years on that endeavor.  Now I do not feel safe or comfortable in my own front yard.  That makes me trepidatious and depressed.  I feel like all my efforts for two years have been a complete waste and continue to be a waste.  I work on decorating this home every week but how can we enjoy this home if we can't even feel comfortable in our own front yard?

I am trying to do what I can to ensure we don't have a dangerous situation, even if for a day.  A huge tree falling over is no laughing matter.  Instead of appreciating the multiple phone calls and email draft responses I worked on today my husband screams at me over the phone while driving home, then derides my character the whole time after he comes home.  Multiple criticisms of my feelings and completely invalidates them telling me I should not feel this way and that.  Yells at me at the top of his voice.  No kudos for my efforts,  only criticism. To try to prevent that I'd written an email to him to explain my feelings on the situation and that even though we see things differently it is important that I be given a chance to explain how I feel and to let him know I needed to stress as little as possible about this.  My husband complained about that too.  I was hoping that by writing my feelings I'd avoid a fight.  Wrong.

Folks, I feel all alone.  My friends I reached out to for support before this quit are in absentia.  Actually, one keeps asking me for dating advice but never asks how I am doing on my journey.  So, no support anywhere except for you guys.  That's it.  Family - nope.  Friends - nope.  Husband - nope.  I feel so alone and sad.  What is the point of quitting if the honeymoon phase with my husband is over.  A week?  Really?  Then the benefit of an improved marriage just gets ripped out from under me?   I've lost 7 lbs, 6% body fat, and dropped cigs all in 12 days and I only get 5 days of romance back in return.  What's the freaking point?  I know I'm supposed to be doing this for me not him, yes I know that.  But it is really hard to be encouraged when I feel so alone.  I always feel like I'm out on a limb when the s___t hits the fan like this.  My husband's manner of arguing is to point out all of what he sees as my flaws and to tell me why I am wrong for feeling the way I do.  I frankly see him as being a whimp in this situation.  There is a way to take the high road without letting someone steamroll you.  And we are being steamrolled big time.

My only true support is on here.  While I love that and love every single one of you, I do feel sad that I feel so alone and that noone in my physical proximity can give me a little patience or credit and instead just beats me down or doesn't bother to care.  I thought if I shared with them ahead of time it would help.  It hasn't.  Noone but ya'll gets how hard this is.  I feel so alone and hurt.

Love you guys,



hang on, hang on, hang on

these circumstances can't make you smoke.

nithing can choose to make you smoke.

why would you want to smoke? because it's comfortable?

because it's all you know?

You're gonna be up against alot of emotions and rational irrationalizations

keep your cool. you're only going to be mad at yourself if you smoke now.

what are you going to do next time there is stress? smoke?

when does it end.

do this for yourself.

a tree can't make you smoke


Nicotine withdrawal can be rough when you first quit. The good news gets better over time and easier to manage. be strong 


You're dwelling in the well of negativity.  Stop it.  I can say that because I've done that myself.  Just surrounded my mind and mood with cr@ppy thoughts.  This is bad and that is bad and it doesn't matter what I do, it's still gonna be bad..... and life is awful and....   You reinforce that mood the more you sit in it and contemplate it and brood about it and analyze it.  Time to refocus.  Look elsewhere.  Spend at least as much time thinkiing about the positives in your life. 

(Trees can be cabled to prevent them from falling in certain direcitons.  Check that out.) 

If you think you feel bad now, let me tell you, relapsing is gonna make you feel a whole lot worse.  And it won't change a think about what's currently going on.  Quitting is one of the POSITIVES you've got going in your life right now.  Ya know?!


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Yup. I have been there too. Swimming in the negative. Trying to "convince" myself to smoke. 

Smoking changes nothing. If you smoke all will be lost and you will feel 10 times worse. 

I am sorry that all this going on but you need to get some perspective.

Sometimes during my quit if I am having a bad day I will think about other people who are going through way worse things than me and my nicotine craving. Ya know?

Chin up, gal! You're doing great!

Do something nice for yourself 🙂


You're always going to have stress no matter whether you smoke or not! That one was a hard one for me to grasp.  I kept putting off my quit, because there was always a stressor occuring in my life, until I finally realized, life is stressful.  I had to separate my Feelings from my thoughts and actions. Cigs become so engrained into your life, emeshed, deeply bonded into all you do, many of it almost unconscious as well. What you have to do is deal with your emotions, that is acknowlegde them, accept them, and ride them out.  I REALLY do understand the husband thing, how spouses can really make you fail in your need to flee from this terrible addiction.  Don't feel bad, I just got into a fight with my spouse yesterday, and guess what? I slipped up (only for a day though), but be stronger and better then me, and don't let the spouse get you down.  Just as cigs can't make you smoke, spouses cannot either.  Let this be a small victory today for you, and stay clean! It also doesnt help that my spouse smokes (chain smokes) and it seems his high demands on me, his high expectations, and on numerous occasions, unsympathetic nature, has in the past made me fail two attempted quits.  I didn't get back on track the last two times, but I will this time.  I will not let my husband stress me out and make me fail. Tell yourself that! It's your lungs not him. Besides when you get your full lung capacity back you can OUT YELL him, (kidding there).  Take a drive, hike...get away from your stressor, even for an hour, always helps me.


Funny how when you start the "I'm gonna' get healthy snowball rolling" everything in your life is seen through a different lens! I am sorry your hubby isn't more supportive! I don't know if he ever was or ever will be again! What I do know, is smoking WILL NOT make him see your side or become supportive tomorrow! You will be angry with yourself and him if you let this become your excuse to light up!

It might not feel like it now but your health is more important than the tree! Follow through as much as you can on the tree situation but don't let it bring you down with it!


nicotine is the most deadly chemical known to man and not throw those days away.................your body is learning how to react to life....not nicotine..........................your mind is also learning how to react to life....................give your lungs     a long due vacation........................give your heart and mind   a long vacation from smoking.........................jim ohio


stac,,,,,,,i do know a bit about trees..........if you want  help in regards to tree stability or if it should come   down...feel free to ask.............................does the tree shade your you enjoy the tree during all you have a tree swing.....................very important questions..................i would not cut it down, just because the neighbor wants u is your tree...................trees are your insurance first...they will tell u what they cover and if they cover damage at all........feel free to ask................jim ohio


You should check it and tell us what's up. Hopefully you didn't smoke.


Yes, how are you doing now?  Remember, normally, life and marriage have never been a continual honeymoon and romance for anyone.  You're going to have your romantic times and just your quiet times, and sometimes, conflicting times with your husband.  Sometimes your life will be exciting, sometimes calm, and sometimes chaotic and stressful. 

Try to remember and be grateful for that week of honeymoon you just had.  If you start smelling like cigarettes again, maybe you won't have any more romantic times again, but if you stay smoke free, I'm sure there will be more romantic times with your husband and you'll be smelling great for them when they come.  We have to remember that, even though we're having a hard time going through our quit, life continues the same for everyone else and they are having their normal hard times, too.

Maybe your husband is so stressed out at work and trying to be supportive to you in your quit that, when this problem came up with the neighbor, he decided it wasn't worth the added stress in either of your lives and that is why he's not fighting the neighbor, and now, he's upset that you're making a big deal out of it.  Sometimes, you have to pick your battles and deal with what is more meaningful in your life.  I'm not saying this is the case because I don't know either one of you, but it might be another way of looking at your situation.

Please let us know how you're doing.  If you stayed smoke free, Congratuations!!!  If you did light up, please start over, do your reading, and reset your quit date.  Your health and life are the most important thing you need to deal with at this time.  Everything else will eventually fall into place.  It's a whole lot harder to deal with the other streeses in your life if you have the stress of having COPD or cancer from smoking, especially knowing that you could have avoided it, than it is to deal with them just while you're trying to quit.  You can do this!!!

Please let us know how you're doing. 


Hi Stac - I'm sorry I didn't see this last nite. I am hoping you didn't cave and smoke. I get why your angry.  If you hadn't quit smoking this situation would be exactly the same wouldn't it? The difference is that you have yourself to be proud of in spite of the tree thing. Smoking now will only make you feel a whole lot worse and even more angry with your husband - you will blame him for "causing" it.  Only YOU can put that cigarette to your lips and light it. It will not make the neighbor stop. It will not save your tree. It will not change your husband. It will make you totally disappointed in yourself.

Hang in there - you CAN do this!


 ... it always comes down to CHOICE! remember what I told you ... "you are worth the effort", "you" are loved♥


Hey Stac!

I hope you are still a Quitter and have protected your beautiful quit.  Giulia spoke some wise words above.....negativety can engulf you just like nicotine does and it's not healthy. 

You're letting your neighbor control you thoughts and actions.......take back control!  You decide each morning how you're going to feel.  Choose your fights carefully.....look at the bigger picture.  Will it matter in 5 years?  Will it matter in 10 years?

Keep steady and stay true, my friend.



Hang on sweet Stacie!  This is the roller coaster!  Would smoking change anything about the tree battle? Or anything else? No. 

It sounds to me like you might be entering No Man's Land a little early -- normally that phase starts around the one-month mark, and is characterized by the loneliness and feeling unsupported and other things you are mentioning. Read this blog from Dale's page, see if it helps you get a handle on things:

Please post again, let us know how you're doing!! 



Another person here wanting to know how you're doing, if your quit is still intact.  Don't fall for the lies your addiction is telling you.  You are stronger than you think.  


From the bottom of my heart, I thank each and every one of you who posted on my blog in my time of need last night.  I went to a dark place I did not like.  I wish I could write individually to each and every one of you to thank you individually but selfishly, I am going to lie down and rest instead as it is becoming clear to me that lack of rest is taxing me majorly.  I have got to listen and take care even if that means writing this one long thank you rather than individual ones.  Every comment from all of you was filled with so much wisdom.  I cannot say thank you enough.  Here’s the update:


 I did NOT smoke. Went to bed. No cravings this morning. Husband left for work this morning snapping at me AGAIN. I own up to things when I do wrong but in all honesty these snaps are not warranted. Frankly, I just cried, hard. I could not take the snaps any longer. His only response, no kindness, just coldness, no apology was simply "Let it go." Again, my feelings totally discounted. “Let it go” (Mars and Venus thing here) = why are you even upset, you shouldn’t be and you shouldn’t let my rudeness bother you – what’s your problem?”.  You would think my husband is the one going thru withdrawal, not me.


Every one of you are right. Smoking will only make me feel twenty times worse about myself and everything else. So, no thanks nicodemon. My rebellion will be to lick this, not smoke. I will find pride and happiness that I alone (and with this site) did this and did it in the middle of a s___t storm at times, to boot.  I don’t know what I was thinking last night.  Not rational!  I don’t even desire the taste of a cig – the thought now repulses me, truly!  The nicotine – well, nicodemon just sucks.


The challenge - I do feel alone. I know now I cannot count on anyone but me and my friends on this site. Frankly, that does make me sad. I know everyone says don't dwell on the negativity. Going to work on that today, but I come here to be honest and right now I am still just down. I just had not planned to have everyone physically present (I mean those in my life not on this site) seem to turn on me or turn away from me during this challenge in my life. It disappoints me. I try to be giving and give 100% of myself into making the house into a home, improving my health and physical looks, etc and now in my time of need I get nothing in return. When I try to say how I am feeling, I am told I am wrong to feel that way and to “let it go.”  When I try to share an opinion on anything at all it seems, I am told I am wrong and crazy for thinking the way I do.  Being told you take too long to get to the point (I don’t want to listen to you for very long), are wrong to feel the way you do, that you shouldn’t let things bother you (i.e. you are broken), well, it doesn't feel very good.


Today, I am absolutely wiped.  I went well over 15 hours without eating and now battling nausea.  Going to go grab lunch finally and then lie down. I don’t care if I sleep all day.  I cancelled dinner plans for tonight and tomorrow night.  I am in protection mode right now. I don’t have any of myself to give away.  I am protecting my feelings, my mindset, and my quit.  Next week, if people want to grab a meal or chat about their own issues, fine.  Today, selfishly, it’s all about me.  I need to re-nourish myself.  I am doing this alone (w/ ya’ll) so pamper me time.  Tonight I fear I face another evening of yelling and criticism because the tree saga continues.  We had an expert out here this morning to render an opinion and now have to agree on how to share that opinion with the ugly neighbor.  Oh how I dread this evening.  I cannot make my husband care or be nice.  But again, for now, I will lie down with a healthy meal in my stomach.  Noone will break my will to be a non-smoker, become a healthy person, and take better care of my body.  Noone.  If my husband is unkind again tonight, I will not bend on my stand to be a healthy, non smoker.  Cigarettes and junk food are the answer to nothing.  I know I am beautiful inside and outside going to be even better in a few months.  Hell, I’ve already lost 7 lbs and 6% body fat whereas many gain during their quits.  I know I do not deserve this treatment but I will try to give my husband a little space. Hopefully, I pray my husband will somehow come around to being patient, understanding, kind again.  I also pray that he will support my successes as he did at week one.  For those of you praying for me – if you could launch one for God to relieve me of my fear, depression, lonliness, and to give my husband a deeper understanding and patience, and for God to give this house peace, I would greatly appreciate it.


Today, I will rest without guilt, do my best to focus on the blessing of all of you and know that the Holy Spirit is with me and that the gift from God is being able to quit, having the Holy Spirit with me, who will not abandon me, and the wisdom to know that smoking will not change a damn thing and can actually only make it worse.  I will also remember that with respect to these dark places, they too shall pass.  Right now they are harder to tackle because my body is in massive detox and every fiber of my being is being sucked on so every little stress seems all the much harder to face, overcome.


I pray God’s blessings upon each and every one of you.  As I have said before, this site and all of you on here are my life saver.  I mean it!