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Good morning everyone and, hope all have a very blessed Saturday!!!

I wasn't on yesterday or day before...been busy...which is a "good"!  Less time to think about smoking.

Actually, it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be.  I only wore the patch the first 24 hours and, haven't put it on since.  I really feel that even though it did keep the nervousness, anxiousness, and other emotional stuff at bay somewhat last time I quit...all it really did was "Prolong" getting the "NASTY toxins out of my system!!!  I still get the urges off and on to smoke all day long..some last a lot longer than!!!

But, I am glad I did not "cave in"..  

I went with my daughter yesterday after she got home from work and bought a Vitamix.  I actually have a Nutri-Bullet which I absolutely LOVE but, there are quite a few things I can't make in it.  The Vitamix has a 64 oz. container so I can make more juice and keep it in the fridge to drink throughout the day...I like that.

I also have found this time around that drinking A LOT of green juices, and eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables has "most definitely" helped with the cravings!!  I just don't feel the urge as much if I'm "downing" fresh fruits and!!!  It also helps me stay hydrated which is so very important while weaning off the cigs!!!

Well, going to get movin' plans to go health food store shopping with daughter and grandsons...

So glad this site is here...and, that I remembered my password...roflmbo!!  I really appreciate all the support that I receive here everytime I come back.  My desire is to STAY!!!!  Hate this nasty life-destroying addiction!!!!!





Hi, Debbie!  I'm new here, and right behind you on my eighth day today! I know this isn't your first barn dance, it'snot mine either.  Many, many quits that were given up on for "just one" whatever.  One puff, one pack, one carton, one ,more  backslide.  Nothing changes.  But this time I feel different.  I have gotten to 8 days many, many times, and at this point was looking for an opportunity to quit the quit.  What little time I have under my belt is precious to me, and to have "just one" will rob me of it.  I have something incredible happening to me, like magic.  One puff will ruin it. 


Thanks djm...I agree...Just that "one puff" RUINS everything!!!  I sent you a friend request..hopefully we can support one another.  Congrats on your 8 days!!!


I would be honored to be your friend!  The thingy hasn't come through yet. Sometimes my e-mail gets delayed (probably not enough e-stamps.  How do you weigh an e-mail?)


you sound good. congrats on day 9


I keep thinking that too, if I blow this quit with having just one I will be right back at day one again. No more day ones.We have to keep holding on to that!!!!! I am so close to 2 weeks, just can't ruin it.  Hold on and stay strong!!!!


Congrats on day 9 now day 10 I am sure! How wonderful that you are jumping into an all over health plan so soon! it took me a while but it sure does feel good...xo


Thank you Joy!!!!